Eurovision Song Contest
Fyr Macedonia Tose Proeski Life

I saw my ID, and it wasn't me
It was someone else's identity
Why do I need to prove myself
Who is the judge of my sanity

Roaming through my old emotions
I find new feelings of misery
I bet with my soul to get back the truth
Where I will face reality

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

Walking around with some thoughts on my mind
I've searched for a place where I'll be free
From all that I said and all that's been done
It'll be hard to find it inside of me

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

I know that I've gotta try
Noone can see me cry
I can't take it any more
I must find a way to let myself go

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

Mirror lyrics:

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

I must find a way to let myself go
I can't take it any more
Noone can see me cry
I know that I've gotta try

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

It'll be hard to find it inside of me
From all that I said and all that's been done
I've searched for a place where I'll be free
Walking around with some thoughts on my mind

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

You got to know how to live it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a book and you gotta read it

Where I will face reality
I bet with my soul to get back the truth
I find new feelings of misery
Roaming through my old emotions

Who is the judge of my sanity
Why do I need to prove myself
It was someone else's identity
I saw my ID, and it wasn't me

Relevant Tags:
FFyr MMacedonia TTose PProeski LLife yr acedonia ose roeski ife yFr aMcedonia oTse rPoeski iLfe cyr jacedonia fose 0roeski kife cFyr jMacedonia fTose 0Proeski kLife
Fcyr Mjacedonia Tfose P0roeski Lkife ryr kacedonia 5ose lroeski oife rFyr kMacedonia 5Tose lProeski oLife Fryr Mkacedonia T5ose Plroeski Loife gyr nacedonia hose oroeski pife
gFyr nMacedonia hTose oProeski pLife Fgyr Mnacedonia Those Poroeski Lpife tyr Maacedonia yose Prroeski Liife tFyr Mcedonia yTose Poeski Lfe Ftyr Mcaedonia Tyose Poreski Lfie
vyr Mzcedonia 6ose Pdoeski Ljfe vFyr Mzacedonia 6Tose Pdroeski Ljife Fvyr Mazcedonia T6ose Prdoeski Lijfe dyr Mqcedonia gose P4oeski L9fe dFyr Mqacedonia gTose P4roeski L9ife
Fdyr Maqcedonia Tgose Pr4oeski Li9fe Fyyr Mscedonia rose Pgoeski Llfe Fr Msacedonia rTose Pgroeski Llife Fry Mascedonia Trose Prgoeski Lilfe Fgr Mwcedonia Toose Ptoeski Lofe
Mwacedonia Tse Ptroeski Fygr Mawcedonia Tsoe Prtoeski Liofe Fhr Mxcedonia Tkse P5oeski Lkfe Fhyr Mxacedonia Tkose P5roeski Fyhr Maxcedonia Tokse Pr5oeski Likfe
F6r Maccedonia T9se Pfoeski L8fe F6yr Maedonia T9ose Pfroeski L8ife Fy6r Maecdonia To9se Prfoeski Li8fe Fur Mafedonia T0se Peoeski Lufe Fuyr Mafcedonia T0ose Peroeski Luife
Fyur Macfedonia To0se Preoeski Liufe F7r Maxedonia Tlse Prooeski Liffe F7yr Tlose Preski Lie Fy7r Macxedonia Tolse Preoski Lief Fjr Mavedonia Tise Prkeski Lice
Fjyr Mavcedonia Tiose Prkoeski Licfe Fyjr Macvedonia Toise Prokeski Lifce Ftr Madedonia Tosse Pr9eski Lire Madcedonia Toe Pr9oeski Lirfe Fytr Macdedonia Toes Pro9eski Lifre
Fyrr Maceedonia Toze Pr0eski Lige Fy Macdonia Tozse Pr0oeski Ligfe Fyr Macdeonia Tosze Pro0eski Lifge Fyd Macsdonia Towe Prleski Lite Fydr Macsedonia Towse Prloeski Litfe
Fyrd Macesdonia Toswe Proleski Lifte Fy4 Mac3donia Tode Prieski Live Fy4r Mac3edonia Todse Prioeski Livfe Fyr4 Mace3donia Tosde Proieski Lifve Fyg Macfdonia Toee Proeeski Lide
Toese Proski Lidfe Fyrg Macefdonia Tosee Proseki Lifde Fyt Macrdonia Toxe Prosski Lifee Macredonia Toxse Proseski Lif Fyrt Macerdonia Tosxe Proesski Life
Fy5 Mac4donia Toae Pro3ski Lifs Fy5r Mac4edonia Toase Pro3eski Lifse Fyr5 Mace4donia Tosae Proe3ski Lifes Fyf Macddonia Profski Lif3 Fyfr Tos Profeski Lif3e
Fyrf Maceddonia Tose Proefski Life3 Fye Macwdonia Toss Prorski Liff Fyer Macwedonia Proreski Fyre Macewdonia Toses Proerski Lifef Tos3 Pro4ski Lifr
Maceonia Tos3e Pro4eski Maceodnia Tose3 Proe4ski Lifer Macexonia Tosf Prodski Lif4 Macexdonia Tosfe Prodeski Lif4e Macedxonia Tosef Proedski Life4
Maceeonia Tosr Prowski Lifd Tosre Proweski Macedeonia Toser Proewski Lifed

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