Rock The Night

I've gone through changes
I've gone through pain
But there's not enough reason for me to go insane
I know the feeling, just when it grows
I'm in a rage up from my head down to my toes.

You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy
When you don't know what you want.
What do you want?
You want to rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo
( YHE)
Rock now, rock the night
You'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo

(HO wo hooo)
I know my limit
Just what it takes
When things ain't good enough
I just pull the brake
Sometimes it's easy
Sometimes so tough
But just have one thing clear
I can't get enough.

You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy
When you don't know what you want.
What do you want?
You want to rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo
( YHE)
Rock now, rock the night
You'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo

(Yhee yhee)
Rock now, rock the night
Rock now, rock the night
Rock now, rock the night
Rock now, rock the night
Rock it !

You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy
When you don't know what you want.
What do you want?

You want to rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo
( YHE)
Rock now, rock the night
Yooou you'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
Woo0 woo0
( YHE)

Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
Yooou, you'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo

Mirror lyrics:

WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
Yooou, you'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night

( YHE)
Woo0 woo0
Rock now, rock the night
Yooou you'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
( YHE)
WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
You want to rock now, rock the night

What do you want?
When you don't know what you want.
You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy

Rock it !
Rock now, rock the night
Rock now, rock the night
Rock now, rock the night
Rock now, rock the night
(Yhee yhee)

WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
You'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
( YHE)
WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
You want to rock now, rock the night
What do you want?
When you don't know what you want.
You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy

I can't get enough.
But just have one thing clear
Sometimes so tough
Sometimes it's easy
I just pull the brake
When things ain't good enough
Just what it takes
I know my limit
(HO wo hooo)

WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
You'd better believe it's right.
Rock now, rock the night
( YHE)
WoOo woOo
Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
You want to rock now, rock the night
What do you want?
When you don't know what you want.
You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy

I'm in a rage up from my head down to my toes.
I know the feeling, just when it grows
But there's not enough reason for me to go insane
I've gone through pain
I've gone through changes

Relevant Tags:
RRock TThe NNight ock he ight oRck hTe iNght dock fhe might dRock fThe mNight Rdock Tfhe Nmight 4ock 5he hight 4Rock 5The hNight
R4ock T5he Nhight gock hhe jight gRock hThe jNight Rgock Thhe Njight tock yhe bight tRock yThe bNight Rtock Tyhe Nbight 5ock 6he Niight
5Rock 6The Nght R5ock T6he Ngiht fock ghe Njght fRock gThe Rfock Tghe Nijght eock rhe N9ght eRock rThe N9ight Reock Trhe Ni9ght
Roock Nlght Rck Te Nlight Rcok Teh Nilght Rkck Tje Noght Rkock Tjhe Noight Rokck Thje Nioght R9ck Tue Nkght R9ock Tuhe Nkight
Ro9ck Thue Nikght R0ck Tne N8ght R0ock Tnhe N8ight Ro0ck Thne Ni8ght Rlck Tbe Nught Rlock Tbhe Nuight Rolck Thbe Niught Rick Tge Nigght
Riock Niht Roick Thge Nihgt Rocck Tye Nihht Rok Nihght Rokc Thye Nighht Rofk Thee Niyht Rofck Th Niyght Rocfk The Nigyht
Roxk Ths Nibht

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