I Wanna Love You

Haaaaa haaaaa (haaaa haaaaa)
haaa ohhhh
yeah ok
s'too the rets yo

i wanna love you, i wanna hold you,i wanna kiss you, i wanna hug you (x2)

well i get these gaps in time
where i've been spacin you on my mind
... you make me feel so fly,
... singin me lullaby's
i like how bad it seems so wrong
to feel this weighing it feels so strong
you better sing me a lullaby
so baby come on come one

**chorus X2

you come over and you kiss my face (you kiss my face)
felt like i want you more without saying a thing ??
memorizing this moment believe i la la la la la
you took my hands you kiss my lips
im thinking this is it

**chorus continues till end

Mirror lyrics:

**chorus continues till end

im thinking this is it
you took my hands you kiss my lips
memorizing this moment believe i la la la la la
felt like i want you more without saying a thing ??
you come over and you kiss my face (you kiss my face)

**chorus X2

so baby come on come one
you better sing me a lullaby
to feel this weighing it feels so strong
i like how bad it seems so wrong
... singin me lullaby's
... you make me feel so fly,
where i've been spacin you on my mind
well i get these gaps in time

i wanna love you, i wanna hold you,i wanna kiss you, i wanna hug you (x2)

s'too the rets yo
yeah ok
haaa ohhhh
Haaaaa haaaaa (haaaa haaaaa)

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna LLove YYou anna ove ou I aWnna oLve oYu j aanna kove gou jI aWanna kLove gYou Ij Waanna Lkove Ygou 9 3anna oove hou
9I 3Wanna oLove hYou I9 W3anna Loove Yhou l danna pove 6ou lI dWanna pLove 6You Il Wdanna Lpove Y6ou o eanna uou oI eWanna Lve uYou
Io Weanna Lvoe Yuou k sanna Lkve 7ou kI sWanna 7You Ik Wsanna Lokve Y7ou 8 2anna L9ve jou 8I 2Wanna L9ove jYou I8 W2anna Lo9ve Yjou
u qanna L0ve tou uI qWanna L0ove tYou Iu Wqanna Lo0ve Ytou Llve Yoou Wnna Llove Yu Wnana Lolve Yuo Wznna Live Yku
Wzanna Liove Ykou Waznna Loive Yoku Wqnna Lovve Y9u Loe Y9ou Waqnna Loev Yo9u Wsnna Lobe Y0u Lobve Y0ou
Wasnna Lovbe Yo0u Wwnna Loce Ylu Wwanna Locve Ylou Wawnna Lovce Yolu Wxnna Loge Yiu

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