Esperanza Spalding
Love In Time

Wait a little while
We can't rush what belongs
To the heavens above
Like the course of our love without time
We'll never see what's behind
This elusive romance
Could be two who'll prove love is more than
Mere chance

Let's wait a little while
And find out why we're waiting
Amidst those parading
Desir like a torch fire
Amidst those who scramble
For love all a flutter
When true love is something subtler
We'll create if we just wait...

We can't rush a happy ending
That's not in our dstiny's plan
Sweet this seems we can't see
The grand scheme of our lives
Which really are what we'd share
If this romance is true
So take time to live yours
I will too while we

Wait a little while and be sure
We're not fooled
By the things we've been schooled
To take as signs that love's arrived
Like charm wit and beauty
Our youth made us seek them
But in truth we don't need them
We're in love, so let's take our time.

Mirror lyrics:

We're in love, so let's take our time.
But in truth we don't need them
Our youth made us seek them
Like charm wit and beauty
To take as signs that love's arrived
By the things we've been schooled
We're not fooled
Wait a little while and be sure

I will too while we
So take time to live yours
If this romance is true
Which really are what we'd share
The grand scheme of our lives
Sweet this seems we can't see
That's not in our dstiny's plan
We can't rush a happy ending

We'll create if we just wait...
When true love is something subtler
For love all a flutter
Amidst those who scramble
Desir like a torch fire
Amidst those parading
And find out why we're waiting
Let's wait a little while

Mere chance
Could be two who'll prove love is more than
This elusive romance
We'll never see what's behind
Like the course of our love without time
To the heavens above
We can't rush what belongs
Wait a little while

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIn TTime ove n ime oLve nI iTme kove jn fime kLove jIn fTime Lkove Ijn Tfime oove 9n 5ime oLove 9In 5Time Loove I9n T5ime
pove ln hime pLove lIn hTime Lpove Iln Thime on yime Lve oIn yTime Lvoe Ion Tyime Lkve kn 6ime kIn 6Time Lokve Ikn T6ime
L9ve 8n gime L9ove 8In gTime Lo9ve I8n Tgime L0ve un rime L0ove uIn rTime Lo0ve Iun Trime Llve Inn Tiime Llove I Tme Lolve In Tmie
Live Im Tjme Liove Imn Tjime Loive Inm Tijme Lovve Ih T9me Loe Ihn T9ime Loev Inh Ti9me Lobe Ij Tlme Lobve Tlime Lovbe Inj Tilme
Loce Ib Tome Locve Ibn Toime Lovce Inb Tiome Loge Tkme Logve Tkime

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