Esmã©e Denters
Follow My Lead (feat. Justin Timberlake)

One, two, three uh hands up I'll show what it do I got my stance up
Everybody knows this is the anthem
Everybody knows this is the anthem
So get your hands up go…

You don't feel love from nobody
and brand new problems keep coming
They follow you, you keep running
Don't doubt boy don't you hear something
Gone through it if you just living
It might just make your world different
Just let it go you won't miss it
It's in the look just go get it

What is that
Could it be
The rescue that you need
It's not a dream, that's happening
Hands up come with me

What is that
Could it be
The rescue that you need
It's not a dream, that's happening
Hands up come with me

Follow my lead
We'll go where no one goes
Everyone leaves
We are still standing strong (standing strong)
Listen to me love is a song I'll be the melody you'll be my drum

Follow my lead we'll go where no one goes
The crew all around you keeps changing
Come back to what you keep waiting
There's nothing to come and save you
Just let it an infinite take you
To a place where everything's better
You've been waiting forever
Live life like it don't matter it won't stop if you don't let it

What is that
Could it be
The rescue that you need
It's not a dream, that's happening
Hands up come with me

What is that
Could it be
The rescue that you need
It's not a dream, that's happening
Hands up come with me

Follow my lead
We'll go where no one goes
Everyone leaves
We are still standing strong
Listen to me love is a song I'll be the melody you'll be my drum
Follow my lead we'll go where no one knows

Put your hands up, put your hands up
Hands up I'll show what it do I got my stance up
Everybody knows this is the anthem
Everybody knows this is the anthem

So put your hands up
Hands up I'll show what it do I got my stance up
Everybody knows this is the anthem
Everybody knows this is the anthem

Follow my lead
We'll go where no one goes
Everyone leaves
We are still standing strong
Listen to me love is a song I'll be the melody you'll be my drum
Follow my lead
We'll go where no one goes
Put your hands up

Dance, dance, dance, dance,
Dance from London to Japan,
Dance from LA to France,
Dance NY to Brazil,
Dance let let me see ya dance

Oh, oh

Now stop

Mirror lyrics:

Now stop

Oh, oh

Dance let let me see ya dance
Dance NY to Brazil,
Dance from LA to France,
Dance from London to Japan,
Dance, dance, dance, dance,

Put your hands up
We'll go where no one goes
Follow my lead
Listen to me love is a song I'll be the melody you'll be my drum
We are still standing strong
Everyone leaves
We'll go where no one goes
Follow my lead

Everybody knows this is the anthem
Everybody knows this is the anthem
Hands up I'll show what it do I got my stance up
So put your hands up

Everybody knows this is the anthem
Everybody knows this is the anthem
Hands up I'll show what it do I got my stance up
Put your hands up, put your hands up

Follow my lead we'll go where no one knows
Listen to me love is a song I'll be the melody you'll be my drum
We are still standing strong
Everyone leaves
We'll go where no one goes
Follow my lead

Hands up come with me
It's not a dream, that's happening
The rescue that you need
Could it be
What is that

Hands up come with me
It's not a dream, that's happening
The rescue that you need
Could it be
What is that

Live life like it don't matter it won't stop if you don't let it
You've been waiting forever
To a place where everything's better
Just let it an infinite take you
There's nothing to come and save you
Come back to what you keep waiting
The crew all around you keeps changing
Follow my lead we'll go where no one goes

Listen to me love is a song I'll be the melody you'll be my drum
We are still standing strong (standing strong)
Everyone leaves
We'll go where no one goes
Follow my lead

Hands up come with me
It's not a dream, that's happening
The rescue that you need
Could it be
What is that

Hands up come with me
It's not a dream, that's happening
The rescue that you need
Could it be
What is that

It's in the look just go get it
Just let it go you won't miss it
It might just make your world different
Gone through it if you just living
Don't doubt boy don't you hear something
They follow you, you keep running
and brand new problems keep coming
You don't feel love from nobody

So get your hands up go…
Everybody knows this is the anthem
Everybody knows this is the anthem
One, two, three uh hands up I'll show what it do I got my stance up

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