Black Coffee

She smelled like flowers, she taste like toffee
She kissed me slowly, she held me soflty
Got too close and she backed up off me
Left me stone cold sober just like black coffee
Just like black coffee

She told me that she'd always be thinkin of me
She said she wanted me to know that she really did love me
She said she'd never put no one else above me
Except her monkey, she's like a junky
Just like a junky
Just like a junky

Its April 25th its up around 80
Found a spot out in the park where the grass was shady
She said her mom's from Jamaica, Said her father's from Haiti
Such a pretty lady, she's such a lady

She smelled like flowers, she taste like toffee
She kissed me slowly, she held me softly
Got to close and she backed up off me
She left me stone cold sober just like black coffee
Just like black coffee (x3)

Mirror lyrics:

Just like black coffee (x3)
She left me stone cold sober just like black coffee
Got to close and she backed up off me
She kissed me slowly, she held me softly
She smelled like flowers, she taste like toffee

Such a pretty lady, she's such a lady
She said her mom's from Jamaica, Said her father's from Haiti
Found a spot out in the park where the grass was shady
Its April 25th its up around 80

Just like a junky
Just like a junky
Except her monkey, she's like a junky
She said she'd never put no one else above me
She said she wanted me to know that she really did love me
She told me that she'd always be thinkin of me

Just like black coffee
Left me stone cold sober just like black coffee
Got too close and she backed up off me
She kissed me slowly, she held me soflty
She smelled like flowers, she taste like toffee

Relevant Tags:
BBlack CCoffee lack offee lBack oCffee vlack foffee vBlack fCoffee Bvlack Cfoffee glack xoffee gBlack xCoffee Bglack Cxoffee
nlack voffee nBlack vCoffee Bnlack Cvoffee hlack doffee hBlack dCoffee Bhlack Cdoffee Bllack Cooffee Back Cffee Balck Cfofee
Bkack Ckffee Bklack Ckoffee Blkack Cokffee Boack C9ffee Bolack C9offee Bloack Co9ffee Bpack C0ffee Bplack C0offee Blpack Co0ffee
Blaack Clffee Blck Cloffee Blcak Colffee Blzck Ciffee Blzack Cioffee Blazck Coiffee Blqck Cofffee Blqack Cofee Blaqck Coffee
Blsck Cocfee Blsack Cocffee Blasck Cofcfee Blwck Corfee Blwack Corffee Blawck Cofrfee Blxck Cogfee Blxack Cogffee Blaxck Cofgfee
Blacck Cotfee Blak Cotffee Blakc Coftfee Blafk Covfee Blafck Covffee Blacfk Cofvfee

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