As I Lie Here Bleeding

I place my foot on the first step
That leads me down into my fate
So father please forgive me
As I cannot see it end
I am now up on the table
It trembles under my weight
I wipe away the cold sweat
Close my eyes &...

Falling out of what I know is true
Falling come shelter me as I lie here bleeding
Falling away from what I thought was you
Falling come shelter me as I lie here bleeding

So speak & I listen
I'll take the time to hear you out
So scream & I sure listen
I just need a little time

Gathering the pieces of a stronger me
Helpless weak & battered
My wounds are bleeding

Falling out of what I know is true...

Gathering the pieces...

Falling out of what I know is true...

Mirror lyrics:

Falling out of what I know is true...

Gathering the pieces...

Falling out of what I know is true...

My wounds are bleeding
Helpless weak & battered
Gathering the pieces of a stronger me

I just need a little time
So scream & I sure listen
I'll take the time to hear you out
So speak & I listen

Falling come shelter me as I lie here bleeding
Falling away from what I thought was you
Falling come shelter me as I lie here bleeding
Falling out of what I know is true

Close my eyes &...
I wipe away the cold sweat
It trembles under my weight
I am now up on the table
As I cannot see it end
So father please forgive me
That leads me down into my fate
I place my foot on the first step

Relevant Tags:
AAs II LLie HHere BBleeding s ie ere leeding sA I iLe eHre lBeeding zs j kie jere vleeding zAs jI kLie jHere vBleeding Azs Ij Lkie Hjere Bvleeding
qs 9 oie uere gleeding qAs 9I oLie uHere gBleeding Aqs I9 Loie Huere Bgleeding ss l pie nere nleeding sAs lI pLie nHere nBleeding Ass Il Lpie Hnere Bnleeding
ws o Liie bere hleeding wAs oI Le bHere hBleeding Aws Io Lei Hbere Bhleeding xs k Lje gere Blleeding xAs kI Ljie gHere Beeding Axs Ik Lije Hgere Beleding
8 L9e yere Bkeeding A 8I L9ie yHere Bkleeding As I8 Li9e Hyere Blkeeding Az u Lle Heere Boeeding uI Llie Hre Boleeding Asz Iu Lile Hree Bloeeding
Aw Loe Hsre Bpeeding Hsere Bpleeding Asw Lioe Hesre Blpeeding Ad Lke H3re Bleeeding Ads H3ere Bleding Asd Like He3re Bleeding
Ae L8e Hfre Blseding Aes L8ie Hfere Blseeding Ase Li8e Hefre Bleseding Ax Lue Hrre Bl3eding Luie Hrere Bl3eeding Asx Liue Herre Ble3eding
Aa Liee H4re Blfeding Aas Li H4ere Blfeeding Asa Lie He4re Blefeding Lis Hdre Blreding Lise Hdere Blreeding Lies Hedre Blereding
Li3 Hwre Bl4eding Li3e Hwere Bl4eeding Lie3 Hewre Ble4eding Lif Bldeding Life Hee Bldeeding Lief Heer Blededing
Lir Hede Blweding Lire Blweeding Lier Herde Bleweding Li4 He4e Li4e Lie4 Her4e Bledeing
Lid Hege Blesding Lide Hegre Lied Herge Bleesding Liw Hete Ble3ding Liwe Hetre Liew Herte Blee3ding
He5e Blefding He5re Her5e Bleefding Hefe Blerding Herfe Bleerding Heee Ble4ding
Heree Blee4ding

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