Tv Show

I walk around in the market
Late at night
I walk around in the empty aisles
and i don't know why
I need to be close to the light
So I walk around in the middle of the night

I drive around in the neighborhood
I wanna lose my house
I drive around on the freeway
I guess I wanna lose myself
Turn the key
Turn your dial
Listen to the radio and just drive for awhile

Yeah, I got no place to go
I wish I could come home
To a life that is just like a TV show
I wish I could see
My television family waiting for me
Where no one fights, no one screams
No one lies and no one leaves
I don't care how the story ends
I wanna feel like I'm living again

I drive away from the city
Need to see the sky
Drive away from the bad things
That make me close my eyes
Leave it all in the past
Drive away, going nowhere fast
Yeah, now I got nowhere to go

I wish I could go home
To a life that's just like in a TV show
I wish I could see
My television family waiting for me
Where no one fights and no one screams
No one lies and no one leaves
I don't care how the story ends
I wanna feel like I used to feel
I wanna feel like I'm living again

Woah, I'm living again
Woah, Breathing out and breathing in
Woah, I'm living again

Walk away from the circle
Need to find myself
I think I need to start over
Need to start making friends
Breathe out and breathe in
I wish I could start all over again
I wish I could do it all over again

I wish I could come home
To a life like the one that I used to know
I wish I could someday see
Everything back the way it used to be
When no one cried, no one screamed
When no one hits you and no one leaves

Everybody knows how the story ends
All the bad guys lose and the good guys win

I wish I could do it all over again

I wanna feel some day I can really start living again
Woah, I'm living again

Mirror lyrics:

Woah, I'm living again
I wanna feel some day I can really start living again

I wish I could do it all over again

All the bad guys lose and the good guys win
Everybody knows how the story ends

When no one hits you and no one leaves
When no one cried, no one screamed
Everything back the way it used to be
I wish I could someday see
To a life like the one that I used to know
I wish I could come home

I wish I could do it all over again
I wish I could start all over again
Breathe out and breathe in
Need to start making friends
I think I need to start over
Need to find myself
Walk away from the circle

Woah, I'm living again
Woah, Breathing out and breathing in
Woah, I'm living again

I wanna feel like I'm living again
I wanna feel like I used to feel
I don't care how the story ends
No one lies and no one leaves
Where no one fights and no one screams
My television family waiting for me
I wish I could see
To a life that's just like in a TV show
I wish I could go home

Yeah, now I got nowhere to go
Drive away, going nowhere fast
Leave it all in the past
That make me close my eyes
Drive away from the bad things
Need to see the sky
I drive away from the city

I wanna feel like I'm living again
I don't care how the story ends
No one lies and no one leaves
Where no one fights, no one screams
My television family waiting for me
I wish I could see
To a life that is just like a TV show
I wish I could come home
Yeah, I got no place to go

Listen to the radio and just drive for awhile
Turn your dial
Turn the key
I guess I wanna lose myself
I drive around on the freeway
I wanna lose my house
I drive around in the neighborhood

So I walk around in the middle of the night
I need to be close to the light
and i don't know why
I walk around in the empty aisles
Late at night
I walk around in the market

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rTv Sow Trv Sohw Tvv Sjow T Sjhow Tv Shjow Tb Suow Tbv Suhow Tvb Shuow Tc Snow Tcv Snhow Tvc Shnow
Tg Sbow Sbhow Tvg Shbow Tf Sgow Sghow Tvf Shgow Syow Syhow Shyow

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