Even Song
Entrance Of Eternity

Crimson dreams take me far away
far from reality, into an other kind of sleep
I stand before the gates of my innerself,
of an unconscious world deep in my mind

With the key in my hand I open the gates
a lonely spirit guiding, showing me the way

Entrance of eternity

Come closer dormant man, step inside
Take my hands and I ease your cries
I'm what you want, I'm what you need
Don't you remember me?

My soul breaks from this lonely cell of pain
Yield to the temptation of an eternal way
My guardian angel, don't let me awake
Don't let me see those bloody tears

Mirror lyrics:

Don't let me see those bloody tears
My guardian angel, don't let me awake
Yield to the temptation of an eternal way
My soul breaks from this lonely cell of pain

Don't you remember me?
I'm what you want, I'm what you need
Take my hands and I ease your cries
Come closer dormant man, step inside

Entrance of eternity

a lonely spirit guiding, showing me the way
With the key in my hand I open the gates

of an unconscious world deep in my mind
I stand before the gates of my innerself,
far from reality, into an other kind of sleep
Crimson dreams take me far away

Relevant Tags:
EEntrance OOf EEternity ntrance f ternity nEtrance fO tEernity sntrance kf sternity sEntrance kOf sEternity Esntrance Okf Esternity
3ntrance 9f 3ternity 3Entrance 9Of 3Eternity E3ntrance O9f E3ternity fntrance 0f fternity fEntrance 0Of fEternity Efntrance O0f Efternity
rntrance lf rternity rEntrance lOf rEternity Erntrance Olf Erternity 4ntrance if 4ternity 4Entrance iOf 4Eternity E4ntrance Oif E4ternity
dntrance Off dternity dEntrance O dEternity Edntrance Of Edternity wntrance Oc wternity wEntrance Ocf wEternity Ewntrance Ofc Ewternity
Enntrance Or Etternity Etrance Orf Eernity Etnrance Ofr Eetrnity Emtrance Og Efernity Emntrance Ogf Enmtrance Ofg Etfernity
Ehtrance Ot E5ernity Ehntrance Otf E5ternity Enhtrance Oft Et5ernity Ejtrance Ov Ehernity Ejntrance Ovf Ehternity Enjtrance Ofv Ethernity
Ebtrance Od Eyernity Ebntrance Odf Eyternity Enbtrance Ofd Etyernity Enttrance E6ernity Enrance E6ternity Enrtance Et6ernity
Enfrance Egernity Enftrance Egternity Entfrance Etgernity En5rance Erernity En5trance Ent5rance Etrernity
Enhrance Eteernity Etrnity Enthrance Etrenity Enyrance Etsrnity Enytrance Etsernity Entyrance Etesrnity
En6rance Et3rnity En6trance Et3ernity Ent6rance Ete3rnity Engrance Etfrnity Engtrance Entgrance Etefrnity
Enrrance Etrrnity Enrtrance Entrrance Eterrnity Et4rnity Entance Et4ernity Entarnce Ete4rnity
Entdance Etdrnity Entdrance Etdernity Entrdance Etedrnity Ent4ance Etwrnity Ent4rance Etwernity Entr4ance Etewrnity
Entgance Etenity Entrgance Etenrity Enttance Etednity Entrtance Eterdnity Ent5ance Ete4nity
Entr5ance Eter4nity Entfance Etegnity Etegrnity Entrfance Etergnity

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