Even All Out

Out of the dark I step
With my life in my hands but can't hold on tight enough
While trying to understand
How to figure things out where I'll be in the end
So i'll just step back
To see what I'm lacking
Caught in my mind
I s the thought of how different things can seem

It's not simple cause
We'll look back on these day's yet they'll be gone
And if I seem too stuck on today
It's just for now

Just wait, cause time goes by
And I'll be caught in this and forget almost everything
Cause my senses seem dulled
Have i seen too much?
And i wish I was pulled
Into ignorance

Cause into the dark i step
with my life out of reach couldn't hold on tight
But I've still got time
at least I think but it's not a garentee


Just another life, like mine passes by
Never stop to think, never realize
Just how weak we are
Yet if pushed too far
We can get swept away
I thought it was easy but....

It's not simple cause
We'll look back on these day's yet they'll be gone

Mirror lyrics:

We'll look back on these day's yet they'll be gone
It's not simple cause

I thought it was easy but....
We can get swept away
Yet if pushed too far
Just how weak we are
Never stop to think, never realize
Just another life, like mine passes by


at least I think but it's not a garentee
But I've still got time
with my life out of reach couldn't hold on tight
Cause into the dark i step

Into ignorance
And i wish I was pulled
Have i seen too much?
Cause my senses seem dulled
And I'll be caught in this and forget almost everything
Just wait, cause time goes by

It's just for now
And if I seem too stuck on today
We'll look back on these day's yet they'll be gone
It's not simple cause

I s the thought of how different things can seem
Caught in my mind
To see what I'm lacking
So i'll just step back
How to figure things out where I'll be in the end
While trying to understand
With my life in my hands but can't hold on tight enough
Out of the dark I step

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