Eve 6
How Much Longer

Drag me rotting to hysterics
Leave him balked and unfulfilled
Holding inside outwardly patient 'till the time he'll call it

Alluring exotic twisted hero
Leaving him more lonely still
He waits around he's spun around
And left without the power to stop it

Peers don't know what they can't see
They can't see inside of me
It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be
How much longer will I try before I realize I'm
Desperate in the situation that I'm in again
I'm exhausting yet another topic
I'M exhausted frequently with no regrets

(With no regrets)

abstrusive,lacking rational
But making so much sense somehow
A stone has dropped my hourglass
No progress made no time's run out, yeah
I'd almost rather have the latter
Save myself with sad defeat
A stone just broke my hourglass
I peel the skin that had me trapped

Peers don't know what they can't see
They can't see inside of me
It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be
How much longer will I try before I realize
I'm desperate in the situation that I'm in again
I'm exhausting yet another topic
I've exhausted frequently with no regrets
Oh yeah
How much longer will I try before I realize
I'm desperate in the situation that I'm in again
I'm exhausting yet another topic
I've exhausted frequently with no regrets
Oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Oh yeah
I've exhausted frequently with no regrets
I'm exhausting yet another topic
I'm desperate in the situation that I'm in again
How much longer will I try before I realize
Oh yeah
I've exhausted frequently with no regrets
I'm exhausting yet another topic
I'm desperate in the situation that I'm in again
How much longer will I try before I realize
It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be
They can't see inside of me
Peers don't know what they can't see

I peel the skin that had me trapped
A stone just broke my hourglass
Save myself with sad defeat
I'd almost rather have the latter
No progress made no time's run out, yeah
A stone has dropped my hourglass
But making so much sense somehow
abstrusive,lacking rational

(With no regrets)

I'M exhausted frequently with no regrets
I'm exhausting yet another topic
Desperate in the situation that I'm in again
How much longer will I try before I realize I'm
It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be
They can't see inside of me
Peers don't know what they can't see

And left without the power to stop it
He waits around he's spun around
Leaving him more lonely still
Alluring exotic twisted hero

Holding inside outwardly patient 'till the time he'll call it
Leave him balked and unfulfilled
Drag me rotting to hysterics

Relevant Tags:
HHow MMuch LLonger ow uch onger oHw uMch oLnger jow juch konger jHow jMuch kLonger Hjow Mjuch Lkonger uow kuch oonger
uHow kMuch oLonger Huow Mkuch Loonger now nuch ponger nHow nMuch pLonger Hnow Mnuch Lponger bow Muuch bHow Mch Lnger
Hbow Mcuh Lnoger gow Mhch Lknger gHow Mhuch Hgow Muhch Loknger yow M7ch L9nger yHow M7uch L9onger Hyow Mu7ch Lo9nger
Hoow Mkch L0nger Hw L0onger Hwo Mukch Lo0nger Hkw Mich Llnger Hkow Miuch Llonger Hokw Muich Lolnger H9w M8ch Linger
H9ow M8uch Lionger Ho9w Mu8ch Loinger H0w Mjch Lonnger H0ow Loger Ho0w Mujch Logner Hlw Mych Lomger Hlow Myuch Lomnger
Holw Muych Lonmger Hiw Mucch Lohger Hiow Muh Lohnger Hoiw Muhc Lonhger Howw Mufh Lojger Ho Mufch Lojnger How Mucfh Lonjger
Hoa Muxh Lobger Hoaw Muxch Lobnger Howa Mucxh Lonbger Ho3 Muvh Longger Ho3w Muvch Loner How3 Mucvh Lonegr Hod Mudh Lonher
Hodw Mudch Howd Mucdh Longher Hoe Muchh Lonyer

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