Eve's Plum

It's dark in here
So follow me
I'm so scared
Your hand's so cold

No, it can't be - I'd never leave you standing there
No, it can't be - I want you here with me

And I'll be waiting

Remember me?
I'm still the same
You seem so real
You haven't changed

No, it can't be - I'm dizzy from the twist of fate
No, it can't be - I want you here with me

No, it can't be - I'd never leave you standing there
No, it can't be - I want you here with me

And I'm shaking

No, it can't be - I'd never leave you standing there
No, it can't be - I want you here

No, it can't be - I'd never, never leave you there
No, no - I'd never leave you standing there

And I'll be waiting

Mirror lyrics:

And I'll be waiting

No, no - I'd never leave you standing there
No, it can't be - I'd never, never leave you there

No, it can't be - I want you here
No, it can't be - I'd never leave you standing there

And I'm shaking

No, it can't be - I want you here with me
No, it can't be - I'd never leave you standing there

No, it can't be - I want you here with me
No, it can't be - I'm dizzy from the twist of fate

You haven't changed
You seem so real
I'm still the same
Remember me?

And I'll be waiting

No, it can't be - I want you here with me
No, it can't be - I'd never leave you standing there

Your hand's so cold
I'm so scared
So follow me
It's dark in here

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EEve's PPlum ve's lum vEe's lPum sve's 0lum sEve's 0Plum Esve's P0lum 3ve's llum 3Eve's lPlum E3ve's Pllum fve's olum fEve's oPlum
Efve's Polum rve's rEve's Pum Erve's Pulm 4ve's Pkum 4Eve's Pklum E4ve's Plkum dve's Poum dEve's Edve's Ploum wve's Ppum
wEve's Pplum Ewve's Plpum Evve's Pluum Ee's Plm Eev's Plmu Ebe's Plhm Ebve's Plhum Evbe's Pluhm Ece's Pl7m Ecve's Pl7um Evce's Plu7m
Ege's Plkm Egve's Evge's Plukm Efe's Plim Plium Evfe's Pluim Evee's Pl8m Ev's Pl8um Ev'es Plu8m Evs's Pljm

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