Hockey Daddy

But ya gotta keep skatin' skatin' skatin'
Watch me set it off
Just like Sergei Federov
We don't give a puck
Detroit won the Stanley Cup
Call me hockey daddy
This one goes out to Vladi
Konstantinov, Joe Louis Areana
In a hockey town, It's goin down
Skatin' on thin ice
Who's gonna pay the price
Power play, no penalties
Block your shot Detroit goalie
Just got tickets to tonights game
Stood in line two hours in the rain
Got inside who did I see
Little Cesars Pizza Pizza
Everybody wanna see Stevie Yzerman
Slide that puck to the goal, like Charles Woodson and his Heiserman
If that don't work I can tell you one thing
All we gotta say is, Let's Go Red Wings
(Gotta keep skatin' skatin' skatin') Let's Go Red Wings (x4)
Let's go Red Wings, Detroit gotta win another Stanley Cup
If you know what's up, get up cause we don't give a puck
Skatin' (x10)
You gotta fight for your right to be the champions
Detroit Red Wings the best, we know we're number 1
We got what it takes to go all the way
We didnt come here to fight, we came to play
(Gotta keep skatin' skatin' skatin') Let's Go Red Wings (x4)
Let's Go Red Wings (x4)

Mirror lyrics:

Let's Go Red Wings (x4)
(Gotta keep skatin' skatin' skatin') Let's Go Red Wings (x4)
We didnt come here to fight, we came to play
We got what it takes to go all the way
Detroit Red Wings the best, we know we're number 1
You gotta fight for your right to be the champions
Skatin' (x10)
If you know what's up, get up cause we don't give a puck
Let's go Red Wings, Detroit gotta win another Stanley Cup
(Gotta keep skatin' skatin' skatin') Let's Go Red Wings (x4)
All we gotta say is, Let's Go Red Wings
If that don't work I can tell you one thing
Slide that puck to the goal, like Charles Woodson and his Heiserman
Everybody wanna see Stevie Yzerman
Little Cesars Pizza Pizza
Got inside who did I see
Stood in line two hours in the rain
Just got tickets to tonights game
Block your shot Detroit goalie
Power play, no penalties
Who's gonna pay the price
Skatin' on thin ice
In a hockey town, It's goin down
Konstantinov, Joe Louis Areana
This one goes out to Vladi
Call me hockey daddy
Detroit won the Stanley Cup
We don't give a puck
Just like Sergei Federov
Watch me set it off
But ya gotta keep skatin' skatin' skatin'

Relevant Tags:
HHockey DDaddy ockey addy oHckey aDddy jockey xaddy jHockey xDaddy Hjockey Dxaddy uockey eaddy uHockey eDaddy Huockey Deaddy
nockey faddy nHockey fDaddy Hnockey Dfaddy bockey raddy bHockey rDaddy Hbockey Draddy gockey caddy gHockey cDaddy Hgockey Dcaddy
yockey saddy yHockey sDaddy Hyockey Dsaddy Hoockey Daaddy Hckey Dddy Hcokey Ddady Hkckey Dzddy Hkockey Dzaddy Hokckey Dazddy
H9ckey Dqddy H9ockey Dqaddy Ho9ckey Daqddy H0ckey Dsddy H0ockey Ho0ckey Dasddy Hlckey Dwddy Hlockey Dwaddy Holckey Dawddy
Hickey Dxddy Hiockey Hoickey Daxddy Hocckey Dadddy Hokey Dady Hokcey Daddy Hofkey Daxdy Hofckey Hocfkey Dadxdy
Hoxkey Daedy Hoxckey Daeddy Hocxkey Dadedy Hovkey Dafdy Hovckey Dafddy Hocvkey Dadfdy Hodkey Dardy Hodckey Darddy Hocdkey Dadrdy
Hockkey Dacdy Hocey Dacddy Hoceky Dadcdy Hocley Dasdy Hoclkey Hockley Dadsdy

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