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This chair feels so much harder, when I know you're doing something else
Why am I sitting here trying to make a change
You're doing something else, right
Trying to make a call, but my fingers refuse to
Why am I sitting here hoping that you'll call
This day will be crawling, cos you're not around me
everytime I hear your voice, oh
you just make my world complete

Are you afraid, of losing some, one
Do you get stuck, do you get liquid
Do you,
Of hearing his voice

half hearted tries to fall asleep
don't know how, to fall in that dreaming
my damn head is too thick, thinking about
all the things I should't have done,
Why am I hoping that I'll someday make a change

Are you afraid, of losing some, one
Do you get stuck, do you get liquid
Do you,
Of hearing his voice

I would give anything to pick up the pieces
Of a, my, black broken heart.
All because of hearing his voice.

Mirror lyrics:

All because of hearing his voice.
Of a, my, black broken heart.
I would give anything to pick up the pieces

Of hearing his voice
Do you,
Do you get stuck, do you get liquid
Are you afraid, of losing some, one

Why am I hoping that I'll someday make a change
all the things I should't have done,
my damn head is too thick, thinking about
don't know how, to fall in that dreaming
half hearted tries to fall asleep

Of hearing his voice
Do you,
Do you get stuck, do you get liquid
Are you afraid, of losing some, one

you just make my world complete
everytime I hear your voice, oh
This day will be crawling, cos you're not around me
Why am I sitting here hoping that you'll call
Trying to make a call, but my fingers refuse to
You're doing something else, right
Why am I sitting here trying to make a change
This chair feels so much harder, when I know you're doing something else

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Fr Fra Fzr Fzar Fazr Fqr Fqar Faqr Fsr Fsar

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