Ernie Haase
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (feat. Signature Sound...

God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember, Christ our Savior

Was born on Christmas day
To save the world from Satan's power
When we were gone astray

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy

From God that is our Father
The blessed Angel came
Unto certain Shepherds

Glad tidings of the same
That was born in Bethlehem
The Son of God by Name

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy

In Bethlehem, of Judah
The blessed Babe was born
And laid within a manger
This blessed Holy morn

To which His Mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy

Did nothing take in scorn
To which His Mother Mary

This blessed Holy morn
And laid within a manger
The blessed Babe was born
In Bethlehem, of Judah

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy

The Son of God by Name
That was born in Bethlehem
Glad tidings of the same

Unto certain Shepherds
The blessed Angel came
From God that is our Father

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy

When we were gone astray
To save the world from Satan's power
Was born on Christmas day

Remember, Christ our Savior
Let nothing you dismay
God rest ye merry gentlemen

Relevant Tags:
GGod RRest YYe MMerry GGentlemen ((feat. SSignature SSound... od est e erry entlemen feat. ignature ound...
oGd eRst eY eMrry eGntlemen f(eat. iSgnature oSund... hod dest ge jerry hentlemen (ffeat. zignature zound...
hGod dRest gYe jMerry hGentlemen (eat. zSignature zSound... Ghod Rdest Yge Mjerry Ghentlemen (efat. Szignature Szound...
yod 4est he kerry yentlemen (ceat. wignature wound... yGod 4Rest hYe kMerry yGentlemen (cfeat. wSignature wSound...
Gyod R4est Yhe Mkerry Gyentlemen (fceat. Swignature Swound... bod gest 6e nerry bentlemen (reat. dignature dound...
bGod gRest 6Ye nMerry bGentlemen (rfeat. dSignature dSound... Gbod Rgest Y6e Mnerry Gbentlemen (freat. Sdignature Sdound...
vod test ue Meerry ventlemen (geat. eignature eound... vGod tRest uYe Mrry vGentlemen (gfeat. eSignature eSound...
Gvod Rtest Yue Mrery Gventlemen (fgeat. Seignature Seound... fod 5est 7e Msrry fentlemen (teat. xignature xound...
fGod 5Rest 7Ye Mserry fGentlemen (tfeat. xSignature xSound... Gfod R5est Y7e Mesrry Gfentlemen (fteat. Sxignature Sxound...
tod fest je M3rry tentlemen (veat. aignature aound... tGod fRest jYe M3erry tGentlemen (vfeat. aSignature aSound...
Gtod Rfest Yje Me3rry Gtentlemen (fveat. Saignature Saound... Good eest te Mfrry Geentlemen (deat. Siignature Soound...
Gd eRest tYe Mferry Gntlemen (dfeat. Sgnature Sund... Gdo Reest Yte Mefrry Gnetlemen (fdeat. Sginature Suond...
Gkd Yee Mrrry Gsntlemen (feeat. Sjgnature Skund... Gkod Rst Y Mrerry Gsentlemen (fat. Sjignature Skound...
Gokd Rset Ye Merrry Gesntlemen (faet. Sijgnature Sokund... G9d Rsst Ys M4rry G3ntlemen (fsat. S9gnature S9und...
G9od Rsest Yse M4erry G3entlemen (fseat. S9ignature S9ound... Go9d Resst Yes Me4rry Ge3ntlemen (fesat. Si9gnature So9und...
G0d R3st Y3 Mdrry Gfntlemen (f3at. Slgnature S0und... G0od R3est Y3e Mderry (f3eat. Slignature S0ound...
Go0d Re3st Ye3 Medrry Gefntlemen (fe3at. Silgnature So0und... Gld Rfst Yf Mwrry Grntlemen (ffat. Sognature Slund...
Glod Yfe Mwerry Grentlemen Soignature Slound... Gold Refst Yef Mewrry Gerntlemen (fefat. Siognature Solund...
Gid Rrst Yr G4ntlemen (frat. Skgnature Siund... Giod Rrest Yre Mery G4entlemen Skignature Siound...
Goid Rerst Yer Merry Ge4ntlemen (ferat. Sikgnature Soiund... Godd R4st Y4 Medry Gdntlemen (f4at. S8gnature Souund...
Go Y4e Gdentlemen (f4eat. S8ignature Sond... God Re4st Ye4 Merdry Gedntlemen (fe4at. Si8gnature Sonud...
Gox Rdst Yd Me4ry Gwntlemen (fdat. Sugnature Sohnd... Goxd Yde Gwentlemen Suignature Sohund...
Godx Redst Yed Mer4ry Gewntlemen (fedat. Siugnature Souhnd... Goe Rwst Yw Megry Genntlemen (fwat. Siggnature So7nd...
Goed Rwest Ywe Megrry Getlemen (fweat. Sinature So7und... Gode Rewst Yew Mergry Getnlemen (fewat. Singature Sou7nd...
Gof Metry Gemtlemen (feaat. Sihnature Soknd... Gofd Ret Metrry Gemntlemen (fet. Sihgnature
Godf Rets Mertry Genmtlemen (feta. Sighnature Souknd... Gor Rezt Me5ry Gehtlemen (fezt. Siynature Soind...
Gord Rezst Me5rry Gehntlemen (fezat. Siygnature Godr Reszt Mer5ry Genhtlemen (feazt. Sigynature Souind...
Goc Rewt Mefry Gejtlemen (feqt. Sibnature So8nd... Gocd Gejntlemen (feqat. Sibgnature So8und...
Godc Reswt Merfry Genjtlemen (feaqt. Sigbnature Sou8nd... Gos Redt Meery Gebtlemen (fest. Sivnature Sojnd...
Gosd Gebntlemen Sivgnature Sojund... Gods Resdt Merery Genbtlemen (feast. Sigvnature Soujnd...

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