Erin Mccarley
Gotta Figure This Out

I separated my heart from my head
To feel out what's inside
I don't like what I see so I say
Good night

Don't wake me cuz I'm dreaming in color
Black and white is not my friend
Candy coded figures only in my bed

I've never been so deep inside a shadow
I've never been so insecure of what I know

I've gotta figure it out
I need a story to tell
Where's the feeling I long for
I've gotta figure it out
Before I lose you love

Big city streets are calling me loud
The busy keeps me high
Well this quiet town is wearing me down tonight

Well I know that I should stay here for a while
Listen to the sound
Of my shaky heart
Looking for gold in the ground

I've never been so deep inside a shadow
I've never been so insecure of what I know

I've gotta figure it out
I need a story to tell
Where's the feeling I long for
I've gotta figure it out
Before I lose you love

It's not ok to make him wait
To make you wonder why I
Can't hold you close and give you hope
That this will be all right

I wanna make it right

Gotta figure this out
I need a story to tell
Where's the feeling I long for
I've gotta figure it out
I've gotta figure this out
I need a story to tell
Where's the feeling I long for
I've gotta figure it out

Before I lose you
Before I lose you
Before I lose you love

Mirror lyrics:

Before I lose you love
Before I lose you
Before I lose you

I've gotta figure it out
Where's the feeling I long for
I need a story to tell
I've gotta figure this out
I've gotta figure it out
Where's the feeling I long for
I need a story to tell
Gotta figure this out

I wanna make it right

That this will be all right
Can't hold you close and give you hope
To make you wonder why I
It's not ok to make him wait

Before I lose you love
I've gotta figure it out
Where's the feeling I long for
I need a story to tell
I've gotta figure it out

I've never been so insecure of what I know
I've never been so deep inside a shadow

Looking for gold in the ground
Of my shaky heart
Listen to the sound
Well I know that I should stay here for a while

Well this quiet town is wearing me down tonight
The busy keeps me high
Big city streets are calling me loud

Before I lose you love
I've gotta figure it out
Where's the feeling I long for
I need a story to tell
I've gotta figure it out

I've never been so insecure of what I know
I've never been so deep inside a shadow

Candy coded figures only in my bed
Black and white is not my friend
Don't wake me cuz I'm dreaming in color

Good night
I don't like what I see so I say
To feel out what's inside
I separated my heart from my head

Relevant Tags:
GGotta FFigure TThis OOut otta igure his ut oGtta iFgure hTis uOt hotta cigure fhis kut hGotta cFigure fThis kOut Ghotta Fcigure Tfhis Okut
yotta rigure 5his 9ut yGotta rFigure 5This 9Out Gyotta Frigure T5his O9ut botta gigure hhis 0ut bGotta gFigure hThis 0Out Gbotta Fgigure Thhis O0ut
votta tigure yhis lut vGotta tFigure yThis lOut Gvotta Ftigure Tyhis Olut fotta vigure 6his iut fGotta vFigure 6This iOut Gfotta Fvigure T6his Oiut
totta digure ghis Ouut tGotta dFigure gThis Ot Gtotta Fdigure Tghis Otu Gootta Fiigure rhis Oht Gtta Fgure rThis Ohut Gtota Fgiure Trhis Ouht
Gktta Fjgure O7t Gkotta Fjigure Tis O7ut Goktta Fijgure Tihs Ou7t G9tta F9gure Tjis Okt G9otta F9igure Tjhis Go9tta Fi9gure Thjis Oukt
G0tta Flgure Tuis Oit G0otta Fligure Tuhis Go0tta Filgure Thuis Ouit Gltta Fogure Tnis O8t Glotta Foigure Tnhis O8ut Goltta Fiogure Thnis Ou8t
Gitta Fkgure Tbis Ojt Giotta Fkigure Tbhis Ojut Goitta Fikgure Thbis Oujt Gottta F8gure Tgis Oyt Gota F8igure Oyut Gotta Fi8gure Thgis Ouyt
Gofta Fugure Tyis Outt Goftta Fuigure Ou Gotfta Fiugure Thyis Out Go5ta Figgure Thiis Ouf Go5tta Fiure Ths Ouft Got5ta Fiugre Thsi Outf
Gohta Fihure Thjs Ou5 Gohtta Fihgure Ou5t Gothta Fighure Thijs Out5 Goyta Fiyure Th9s Ouh Goytta Fiygure Th9is Gotyta Figyure Thi9s Outh
Go6ta Fibure Thls Ouy Go6tta Fibgure Thlis Got6ta Figbure Thils Outy Gogta Fivure Thos Ou6 Gogtta Fivgure Thois Ou6t Gotgta Figvure Thios Out6
Gorta Fifure Thks Oug Gortta Fifgure Thkis Ougt Gotrta Figfure Thiks Outg Fiture Th8s Our Fitgure Th8is Ourt Gotat Figture Thi8s Outr

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