Erik Santos
Who's Loving You Now

Hurting's about you
They said you have changed your ways
I can't stand to talk
About the past it's all over now

Living with this lonely heart
Surviving each moment without you
Never thought of being this way before
Now I want to know

Who's loving you now
Who's holding your heart and mind
Who's loving you now
I wanna know
Who's loving you

It's been years without you
Then why do I dream of you
Afraid that this heart still beats for you
Now I want to know

Fate has changed
And time has erased
The feelings that you once had
But I can't deny
Nothing seems to define the moments of love
We have shared in no time

Who's loving you now
Who's holding your heart and mind
Who's loving you now
I can't wait for another moment
My heart still beats for you...
For you...

Mirror lyrics:

For you...
My heart still beats for you...
I can't wait for another moment
Who's loving you now
Who's holding your heart and mind
Who's loving you now

We have shared in no time
Nothing seems to define the moments of love
But I can't deny
The feelings that you once had
And time has erased
Fate has changed

Now I want to know
Afraid that this heart still beats for you
Then why do I dream of you
It's been years without you

Who's loving you
I wanna know
Who's loving you now
Who's holding your heart and mind
Who's loving you now

Now I want to know
Never thought of being this way before
Surviving each moment without you
Living with this lonely heart

About the past it's all over now
I can't stand to talk
They said you have changed your ways
Hurting's about you

Relevant Tags:
WWho's LLoving YYou NNow ho's oving ou ow hWo's oLving oYu oNw aho's koving gou mow aWho's kLoving gYou mNow Waho's Lkoving Ygou Nmow
3ho's ooving hou how 3Who's oLoving hYou hNow W3ho's Looving Yhou Nhow dho's poving 6ou jow dWho's pLoving 6You jNow Wdho's Lpoving Y6ou Njow
eho's uou bow eWho's Lving uYou bNow Weho's Lvoing Yuou Nbow sho's Lkving 7ou Noow sWho's 7You Nw Wsho's Lokving Y7ou Nwo
2ho's L9ving jou Nkw 2Who's L9oving jYou Nkow W2ho's Lo9ving Yjou Nokw qho's L0ving tou N9w qWho's L0oving tYou N9ow Wqho's Lo0ving Ytou No9w
Whho's Llving Yoou N0w Wo's Lloving Yu N0ow Woh's Lolving Yuo No0w Wjo's Living Yku Nlw Wjho's Lioving Ykou Nlow Whjo's Loiving Yoku Nolw
Wuo's Lovving Y9u Niw Wuho's Loing Y9ou Niow Whuo's Loivng Yo9u Noiw Wno's Lobing Y0u Noww Wnho's Lobving Y0ou No Whno's Lovbing Yo0u Now
Wbo's Locing Ylu Noa Wbho's Locving Ylou Noaw Whbo's Lovcing Yolu Nowa Wgo's Loging Yiu No3 Wgho's Logving Yiou No3w Whgo's Lovging Yoiu Now3
Wyo's Lofing Youu Nod Wyho's Lofving Yo Nodw Whyo's Lovfing You Nowd Whoo's Loviing Yoh Noe Wh's Lovng Yohu Noew Wh'os Lovnig Youh Nowe
Whk's Lovjng Yo7 Nos Whko's Lovjing Yo7u Nosw

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