Eric Woolfson
Closer To Heaven (cast Album)

Rising and falling, lighter than air
Silently calling, no one is there
Oh bird that is flying so high and so free
Closer to heaven than you and me

Voices of strangers keep me from sleep
Guardian angels watch over the deep
A ship that is sailing way out to the sea
Closer to heaven than you and me

Visions of rain fall out of blue skies
Rivers of tears fall out of dry eyes
Answer my question, tell me no lies
Is this the real world or a fool's paradise?

Wind that is blowing so wild and so free
Closer to heaven than you and me
Closer to heaven longing to be
Closer to heaven than you and me

Visions of rain fall out of blue skies
Rivers of tears fall out of dry eyes
Answer my question, tell me no lies
Is this the real world or a fool's paradise?

Love that lies sleeping wakes in the night
Secrets for keeping that won't see the light
I look to the future and I hope it will be
Closer to heaven than you and me

Closer to heaven longing to be
Closer to heaven than you and me

Mirror lyrics:

Closer to heaven than you and me
Closer to heaven longing to be

Closer to heaven than you and me
I look to the future and I hope it will be
Secrets for keeping that won't see the light
Love that lies sleeping wakes in the night

Is this the real world or a fool's paradise?
Answer my question, tell me no lies
Rivers of tears fall out of dry eyes
Visions of rain fall out of blue skies

Closer to heaven than you and me
Closer to heaven longing to be
Closer to heaven than you and me
Wind that is blowing so wild and so free

Is this the real world or a fool's paradise?
Answer my question, tell me no lies
Rivers of tears fall out of dry eyes
Visions of rain fall out of blue skies

Closer to heaven than you and me
A ship that is sailing way out to the sea
Guardian angels watch over the deep
Voices of strangers keep me from sleep

Closer to heaven than you and me
Oh bird that is flying so high and so free
Silently calling, no one is there
Rising and falling, lighter than air

Relevant Tags:
CCloser TTo HHeaven ((cast AAlbum) loser o eaven cast lbum) lCoser oT eHaven c(ast lAbum) floser fo jeaven (ccast zlbum) fCloser fTo jHeaven (ast zAlbum)
Cfloser Tfo Hjeaven (acst Azlbum) xloser 5o ueaven (fast qlbum) xCloser 5To uHeaven (fcast qAlbum) Cxloser T5o Hueaven (cfast Aqlbum) vloser ho neaven (xast slbum)
vCloser hTo nHeaven (xcast sAlbum) Cvloser Tho Hneaven (cxast Aslbum) dloser yo beaven (vast wlbum) dCloser yTo bHeaven (vcast wAlbum) Cdloser Tyo Hbeaven (cvast Awlbum)
Clloser 6o geaven (dast xlbum) Coser 6To gHeaven (dcast xAlbum) Colser T6o Hgeaven (cdast Axlbum) Ckoser go yeaven (caast Allbum) Ckloser gTo yHeaven (cst Abum)
Clkoser Tgo Hyeaven (csat Ablum) Cooser ro Heeaven (czst Akbum) Coloser rTo Haven (czast Aklbum) Clooser Tro Haeven (cazst Alkbum) Cposer Too Hsaven (cqst Aobum)
Cploser T Hseaven (cqast Aolbum) Clposer To Hesaven (caqst Alobum) Tk H3aven (csst Apbum) Clser Tko H3eaven (csast Aplbum) Clsoer Tok He3aven (casst Alpbum)
Clkser T9 Hfaven (cwst Albbum) T9o Hfeaven (cwast Alum) Clokser To9 Hefaven (cawst Alubm) Cl9ser T0 Hraven (cxst Alvum) Cl9oser T0o Hreaven Alvbum)
Clo9ser To0 Heraven (caxst Albvum) Cl0ser Tl H4aven Algum) Cl0oser Tlo H4eaven (cat Algbum) Clo0ser Tol He4aven (cats Albgum) Cllser Ti Hdaven (cazt Alnum)
Tio Hdeaven Alnbum) Clolser Toi Hedaven (caszt Albnum) Cliser Hwaven (cawt Alhum) Clioser Hweaven Alhbum) Cloiser Hewaven (caswt Albhum)
Closser Heaaven (cadt Albuum) Cloer Heven (cadst Albm) Cloesr Hevaen (casdt Albmu) Clozer Hezven (caet Albhm) Clozser Hezaven (caest
Closzer Heazven (caset Albuhm) Clower Heqven (caxt Alb7m) Clowser Heqaven Alb7um) Closwer Heaqven (casxt Albu7m) Cloder Hesven (caat Albkm)
Clodser Albkum) Closder Heasven (casat Albukm)

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