Eric Serra
Thank Your God

Thank your God for giving me my life and all those pleasures
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me my eyes and all those colours
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me the scent of all the flowers
Thank you God
But why your God is grieving me with all those lonely hours
Like you, God I could live without
Rather than kneel down
I wanna take you high
Till dawn
Let us unifly
Hey, how flying unified?
Well in a way I know the beginning is U and I
Thank your God for giving me your arms around my shoulders
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me your skin under my fingers
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me the song of all your whispers
Thank you God
But why your God is grieving me with all those heavy hours
Like you, God I could live without
Rather than break down
I wanna make you high
Till dawn
Let us unifly
Hey! How? Flying unified
Well in a way I know the beginning is U and I
Come on now, howl
I don't wanna be alone again I wanna be the one and only one you love
And everyday I wanna be your Valentine
Unified in such a unique vibe what else could you need tied to the
Thanks God bless the lovers
Feel the love supreme
Love is all about U and I

Mirror lyrics:

Love is all about U and I
Feel the love supreme
Thanks God bless the lovers
Unified in such a unique vibe what else could you need tied to the
And everyday I wanna be your Valentine
I don't wanna be alone again I wanna be the one and only one you love
Come on now, howl
Well in a way I know the beginning is U and I
Hey! How? Flying unified
Let us unifly
Till dawn
I wanna make you high
Rather than break down
Like you, God I could live without
But why your God is grieving me with all those heavy hours
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me the song of all your whispers
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me your skin under my fingers
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me your arms around my shoulders
Well in a way I know the beginning is U and I
Hey, how flying unified?
Let us unifly
Till dawn
I wanna take you high
Rather than kneel down
Like you, God I could live without
But why your God is grieving me with all those lonely hours
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me the scent of all the flowers
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me my eyes and all those colours
Thank you God
Thank your God for giving me my life and all those pleasures

Relevant Tags:
TThank YYour GGod hank our od hTank oYur oGd fhank gour hod fThank gYour hGod Tfhank Ygour Ghod 5hank hour yod 5Thank hYour yGod
T5hank Yhour Gyod hhank 6our bod hThank 6Your bGod Thhank Y6our Gbod yhank uour vod yThank uYour vGod Tyhank Yuour Gvod 6hank 7our fod
6Thank 7Your fGod T6hank Y7our Gfod ghank jour tod gThank jYour tGod Tghank Yjour Gtod rhank tour Good rThank tYour Gd Trhank Ytour Gdo
Yoour Gkd Tank Yur Gkod Tahnk Yuor Gokd Tjank Ykur G9d Tjhank Ykour G9od Thjank Yokur Go9d Tuank Y9ur G0d Tuhank Y9our G0od
Thuank Yo9ur Go0d Tnank Y0ur Gld Tnhank Y0our Glod Thnank Yo0ur Gold Tbank Ylur Gid Tbhank Ylour Giod Thbank Yolur Goid Tgank Yiur Godd
Yiour Go Thgank Yoiur God Tyank Youur Gox Yor Goxd Thyank Yoru Godx Thaank Yohr Goe

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