Eric Himan
A New Life

What did I do
To be treated this way
Watching my tears floating by
Searching for the drain

Is there some sunshine for me
To dry up these waters rising past my knees

I'm gonna need
A hand, pull me up
A dollar, if that's enough
Your voice, to help me through
Your time, that'll do
All I ask of this
Is for you to notice

How do you start
A new life
When the one you loved
Has just said good bye

Tears at my heart
Tears on Tv
They get a glimpse of what I can
Only see

I'm gonna need…

Funny thing about hope
Hard to find
Not even the richest of us
Can afford to buy
If you don't believe it can happen to you
Look me in the eye and tell me

How do you start a new life
How do you start a new life
How do you start a new life

Mirror lyrics:

How do you start a new life
How do you start a new life
How do you start a new life

Look me in the eye and tell me
If you don't believe it can happen to you
Can afford to buy
Not even the richest of us
Hard to find
Funny thing about hope

I'm gonna need…

Only see
They get a glimpse of what I can
Tears on Tv
Tears at my heart

Has just said good bye
When the one you loved
A new life
How do you start

Is for you to notice
All I ask of this
Your time, that'll do
Your voice, to help me through
A dollar, if that's enough
A hand, pull me up
I'm gonna need

To dry up these waters rising past my knees
Is there some sunshine for me

Searching for the drain
Watching my tears floating by
To be treated this way
What did I do

Relevant Tags:
AA NNew LLife ew ife A eNw iLfe z mew kife zA mNew kLife Az Nmew Lkife q hew oife qA hNew oLife Aq Nhew Loife s jew pife sA jNew pLife
As Njew Lpife w bew Liife wA bNew Lfe Aw Nbew Lfie x Neew Ljfe xA Nw Ljife Ax Nwe Lijfe Nsw L9fe Nsew L9ife Nesw Li9fe N3w Llfe
N3ew Llife Ne3w Lilfe Nfw Lofe Nfew Nefw Liofe Nrw Lkfe Nrew Nerw Likfe N4w L8fe N4ew L8ife Ne4w Li8fe
Ndw Lufe Ndew Luife Nedw Liufe Nww Liffe Nwew Lie

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