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Salt Lake City Sunday

Salt Lake City Sunday
No power can shake the glory
No man can stand and fight the fountain of truth
Send out the clean and righteous
Wipe up the Beast infection
And bring some love bright whiteness into your life

They march, the Latter Day Saints
Salt Lake's sick residents
They want you to repent
The want your ten percent
They march, the Latter Day Saints

They march, the Latter Day Saints
Salt Lake's sick residents
They want you to repent
The want your ten percent
They march, the Latter Day Saints

They slam the door in your face
They're smiling at me to
You want me more but I want nothing from you
I see your found Kennedy
Mixed up in polygamy
Leave my ancestors to rot in their graves

They march, the Latter Day Saints
Salt Lake's sick residents
They want you to repent
The want your ten percent
They march, the Latter Day Saints

They march, the Latter Day Saints
Salt Lake's sick residents
They want you to repent
The want your ten percent
They march, the Latter Day Saints

I slam the door in your face!

Mirror lyrics:

I slam the door in your face!

They march, the Latter Day Saints
The want your ten percent
They want you to repent
Salt Lake's sick residents
They march, the Latter Day Saints

They march, the Latter Day Saints
The want your ten percent
They want you to repent
Salt Lake's sick residents
They march, the Latter Day Saints

Leave my ancestors to rot in their graves
Mixed up in polygamy
I see your found Kennedy
You want me more but I want nothing from you
They're smiling at me to
They slam the door in your face

They march, the Latter Day Saints
The want your ten percent
They want you to repent
Salt Lake's sick residents
They march, the Latter Day Saints

They march, the Latter Day Saints
The want your ten percent
They want you to repent
Salt Lake's sick residents
They march, the Latter Day Saints

And bring some love bright whiteness into your life
Wipe up the Beast infection
Send out the clean and righteous
No man can stand and fight the fountain of truth
No power can shake the glory
Salt Lake City Sunday

Relevant Tags:
SSalt LLake CCity SSunday alt ake ity unday aSlt aLke iCty uSnday zalt kake fity zunday zSalt kLake fCity zSunday Szalt Lkake Cfity Szunday
walt oake xity wunday wSalt oLake xCity wSunday Swalt Loake Cxity Swunday dalt pake vity dunday dSalt pLake vCity dSunday Sdalt Lpake Cvity Sdunday
ealt Laake dity eunday eSalt Lke dCity eSunday Sealt Lkae Cdity Seunday xalt Lzke Ciity xunday xSalt Lzake Cty xSunday Sxalt Lazke Ctiy Sxunday
aalt Lqke Cjty aunday aSalt Lqake Cjity aSunday Saalt Laqke Cijty Saunday Lske C9ty Suunday Slt Lsake C9ity Snday Slat Laske Ci9ty Snuday
Szlt Lwke Clty Shnday Lwake Clity Shunday Sazlt Lawke Cilty Suhnday Sqlt Lxke Coty S7nday Sqalt Lxake Coity S7unday Saqlt Laxke Cioty Su7nday
Sslt Lakke Ckty Sknday Ssalt Lae Ckity Skunday Saslt Laek Cikty Suknday Swlt Lale C8ty Sinday Lalke C8ity Siunday Sawlt Lakle Ci8ty Suinday
Sxlt Laoe Cuty S8nday Laoke Cuity S8unday Saxlt Lakoe Ciuty Su8nday Sallt Lame Citty Sjnday Sat Lamke Ciy Sjunday Satl Lakme Ciyt Sujnday
Sakt Laje Cify Synday Saklt Lajke Cifty Syunday Salkt Lakje Citfy Suynday Saot Laie Ci5y Sunnday Saolt Laike Ci5ty Suday Salot Lakie Cit5y Sudnay
Sapt Lakee Cihy Sumday Saplt Lak Cihty Sumnday Salpt Lake Cithy Sunmday Saltt Laks Ciyy Suhday Sal Lakse Ciyty Salt Lakes Cityy Sunhday
Salf Lak3 Ci6y Sujday Salft Lak3e Ci6ty Saltf Lake3 Cit6y Sunjday Sal5 Lakf Cigy Subday Sal5t Lakfe Cigty Subnday Salt5 Lakef Citgy Sunbday

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