
Blowing fire through
the hillside
Pelting wings stuck
to quicklime
Smashing nobody's
Nothing tells us
we're alive

Bernie's got the way to
feel good times
She lives on the way to
the park
All we've got to do is
just drop by
We don't have to wait
until dark

Screaming tires through
the sunshine
Told the cripple he
looks blind
Caught the rats in
the manhole
Beat them all the way
back home

Mirror lyrics:

back home
Beat them all the way
the manhole
Caught the rats in
looks blind
Told the cripple he
the sunshine
Screaming tires through

until dark
We don't have to wait
just drop by
All we've got to do is
the park
She lives on the way to
feel good times
Bernie's got the way to

we're alive
Nothing tells us
Smashing nobody's
to quicklime
Pelting wings stuck
the hillside
Blowing fire through

Relevant Tags:
BBernie ernie eBrnie vernie vBernie Bvernie gernie gBernie Bgernie nernie nBernie
Bnernie hernie hBernie Bhernie Beernie Brnie Brenie Bsrnie Bsernie Besrnie B3rnie
B3ernie Be3rnie Bfrnie Bfernie Befrnie Brrnie Brernie Berrnie B4rnie B4ernie Be4rnie
Bdrnie Bdernie Bedrnie Bwrnie Bwernie Bewrnie Benie Benrie Bednie Berdnie Be4nie
Ber4nie Begnie Begrnie Bergnie Betnie Betrnie Bertnie Be5nie Be5rnie Ber5nie Befnie

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