Eric Clapton
Everything Will Be Alright

Same old hassle every night
All we do is fuss and fight
Ain't no use in talking, might as well start walking
Walking out into the night
You get your gun, I'll get mine
We can do it just one time
If we live no longer, it won't get no stronger
Then we'll know who's really right

All we do is weep and moan
Trying to build ourself a home
Ain't no shame in trying, ain't no use denying
Everything will be alright

Mirror lyrics:

Everything will be alright
Ain't no shame in trying, ain't no use denying
Trying to build ourself a home
All we do is weep and moan

Then we'll know who's really right
If we live no longer, it won't get no stronger
We can do it just one time
You get your gun, I'll get mine
Walking out into the night
Ain't no use in talking, might as well start walking
All we do is fuss and fight
Same old hassle every night

Relevant Tags:
EEverything WWill BBe AAlright verything ill e lright vEerything iWll eB lAright sverything aill ve zlright sEverything aWill vBe zAlright
Esverything Waill Bve Azlright 3verything 3ill ge qlright 3Everything 3Will gBe qAlright E3verything W3ill Bge Aqlright fverything dill ne slright
fEverything dWill nBe sAlright Efverything Wdill Bne Aslright rverything eill he wlright rEverything eWill hBe wAlright Erverything Weill Bhe Awlright
4verything sill Bee xlright 4Everything sWill B xAlright E4verything Wsill Be Axlright dverything 2ill Bs Allright dEverything 2Will Bse Aright
Edverything W2ill Bes Arlight wverything qill B3 Akright wEverything qWill B3e Aklright Ewverything Wqill Be3 Alkright Evverything Wiill Bf Aoright
Eerything Wll Bfe Aolright Eevrything Wlil Bef Aloright Eberything Wjll Br Apright Ebverything Wjill Bre Aplright Evberything Wijll Ber Alpright
Ecerything W9ll B4 Alrright Ecverything W9ill B4e Alight Evcerything Wi9ll Be4 Alirght Egerything Wlll Bd Aldight Egverything Wlill Bde Aldright
Evgerything Willl Bed Alrdight Eferything Woll Bw Al4ight Woill Bwe Al4right Evferything Wioll Bew Alr4ight Eveerything Wkll Algight
Evrything Wkill Algright Evreything Wikll Alrgight Evsrything W8ll Altight Evserything W8ill Altright Evesrything Wi8ll Alrtight
Ev3rything Wull Al5ight Ev3erything Wuill Al5right Eve3rything Wiull Alr5ight Evfrything Alfight Wil Alfright
Evefrything Will Alrfight Evrrything Wikl Aleight Evrerything Aleright Everrything Wilkl Alreight Ev4rything Wiol Alriight
Ev4erything Alrght Eve4rything Wilol Alrgiht Evdrything Wipl Alrjght Evderything Wipll Alrjight Evedrything Wilpl Alrijght
Evwrything Alr9ght Evwerything Alr9ight Evewrything Alri9ght Wilk Alrlght Eveything Alrlight
Eveyrthing Willk Alrilght Evedything Wilo Alroght Alroight Everdything Willo Alrioght Eve4ything Wilp Alrkght
Alrkight Ever4ything Willp Alrikght Evegything Alr8ght Evegrything Alr8ight Evergything Alri8ght
Evetything Alrught Evetrything Alruight Evertything Alriught Eve5ything Alrigght Eve5rything Alriht
Ever5ything Alrihgt Evefything Alrihht Alrihght Everfything Alrighht Eveeything Alriyht
Alriyght Evereything Alrigyht Everyything Alribht Everthing Alribght Evertyhing Alrigbht
Evergthing Alrivht Alrivght Everygthing Alrigvht Everhthing Alrifht Everhything Alrifght
Everyhthing Alrigfht Ever6thing Alritht

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