Fantastic Plastic Machine
There Must Be An Angel (playing With My Heart)

No-one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
I walk into an empty room
And suddenly my heart goes "boom"!
It's an orchestra of angels
And they're playing with my heart

Must be talking to an angel

No-one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
And when I think that I'm alone
It seems there's more of us at home
It's a multitude of angels
and they're playing with my heart

Must be talking to an angel

I must be hallucinating
Watching angels celebrating
Could this be reactivating
All my senses dislocating?
This must be a strange deception
By celestial intervention
Leavin' me the recollection
Of your heavenly connection

Must be talking to an angel

Mirror lyrics:

Must be talking to an angel

Of your heavenly connection
Leavin' me the recollection
By celestial intervention
This must be a strange deception
All my senses dislocating?
Could this be reactivating
Watching angels celebrating
I must be hallucinating

Must be talking to an angel

and they're playing with my heart
It's a multitude of angels
It seems there's more of us at home
And when I think that I'm alone
Playing with my heart
There must be an angel
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
No-one on earth could feel like this

Must be talking to an angel

And they're playing with my heart
It's an orchestra of angels
And suddenly my heart goes "boom"!
I walk into an empty room
Playing with my heart
There must be an angel
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
No-one on earth could feel like this

Relevant Tags:
TThere MMust BBe AAn AAngel ((playing WWith MMy HHeart) here ust e n ngel playing ith y eart) hTere uMst eB nA nAgel p(laying iWth yM eHart)
fhere just ve zn zngel (pplaying aith jy jeart) fThere jMust vBe zAn zAngel (laying aWith jMy jHeart) Tfhere Mjust Bve Azn Azngel (lpaying Waith Mjy Hjeart)
5here kust ge qn qngel (0laying 3ith ky ueart) 5There kMust gBe qAn qAngel (0playing 3With kMy uHeart) T5here Mkust Bge Aqn Aqngel (p0laying W3ith Mky Hueart)
hhere nust ne sn sngel (llaying dith ny neart) hThere nMust nBe sAn sAngel (lplaying dWith nMy nHeart) Thhere Mnust Bne Asn Asngel (pllaying Wdith Mny Hneart)
yhere Muust he wn wngel (olaying eith Myy beart) yThere Mst hBe wAn wAngel (oplaying eWith M bHeart) Tyhere Msut Bhe Awn Awngel (polaying Weith My Hbeart)
6here Mhst Bee xn xngel sith Mg geart) 6There Mhust B xAn xAngel (paying sWith Mgy gHeart) T6here Muhst Be Axn Axngel (palying Wsith Myg Hgeart)
ghere M7st Bs Ann Anngel (pkaying 2ith Mh yeart) gThere M7ust Bse A Agel (pklaying 2With Mhy yHeart) Tghere Mu7st Bes An Agnel (plkaying W2ith Myh Hyeart)
rhere Mkst B3 Am Amgel (poaying qith M6 Heeart) rThere B3e Amn Amngel qWith M6y Hart) Trhere Mukst Be3 Anm Anmgel (ploaying Wqith My6 Haert)
Mist Bf Ah Ahgel (ppaying Wiith Mu Hsart) Tere Miust Bfe Ahn Ahngel Wth Muy Hseart) Tehre Muist Bef Anh Anhgel (plpaying Wtih Myu Hesart)
Tjere M8st Br Aj Ajgel (plaaying Wjth M7 H3art) Tjhere M8ust Bre Ajn Ajngel (plying Wjith M7y H3eart) Thjere Mu8st Ber Anj Anjgel (plyaing Wijth My7 He3art)
Tuere Mjst B4 Ab Abgel (plzying W9th Mj Hfart) Tuhere B4e Abn Abngel (plzaying W9ith Hfeart) Thuere Mujst Be4 Anb Anbgel (plazying Wi9th Myj Hefart)
Tnere Myst Bd Anggel (plqying Wlth Mt Hrart) Tnhere Myust Bde Anel (plqaying Wlith Mty Hreart) Thnere Muyst Bed Anegl (plaqying Wilth Myt Herart)
Tbere Musst Bw Anhel (plsying Woth H4art) Tbhere Mut Bwe (plsaying Woith H4eart) Thbere Muts Bew Anghel (plasying Wioth He4art)
Tgere Muzt Anyel (plwying Wkth Hdart) Muzst Anygel (plwaying Wkith Hdeart) Thgere Muszt Angyel (plawying Wikth Hedart)
Tyere Muwt Anbel (plxying W8th Hwart) Muwst (plxaying W8ith Hweart) Thyere Muswt Angbel (plaxying Wi8th Hewart)
Theere Mudt Anvel (playying Wuth Heaart) Thre Mudst Anvgel (plaing Wuith Hert) Three Musdt Angvel (plaiyng Wiuth Herat)
Thsre Muet Anfel (plaging Witth Hezrt) Thsere Muest Anfgel (plagying Wih Hezart) Thesre Muset Angfel (playging Wiht Heazrt)
Th3re Muxt Antel (plahing Wifh Heqrt) Th3ere Muxst Antgel (plahying Wifth Heqart) The3re Musxt Angtel (playhing Witfh Heaqrt)
Thfre Muat Angeel (pla6ing Wi5h Hesrt) Thfere Muast Angl (pla6ying Wi5th Thefre Musat Angle (play6ing Wit5h Heasrt)
Thrre Mustt Angsl (plauing Wihh Hewrt) Threre Mus Angsel (plauying Wihth Therre Must Angesl (playuing Withh Heawrt)
Th4re Musf Ang3l (pla7ing Wiyh Hexrt)

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