Far Too Jones
Ballad Of Mary

Hey Mary are you still waiting?
Has your "thunder road" come along and gone and left you praying?
Your so called friends and the stories they tell
Don't really seem to fit you all that well
And anyway, all I need to believe in now is you

Hey Mary, can you feel it?
All the easy eyes upon you as you walk by
We're all just sinners living for the fall
I once read Him on the subway wall
It said some day that little boy of yours
Is going to save the world
And I believe it's true

We can waste a lifetime waiting
for a time to live or a time to die
Either way I know we've got to start tonight

This old town's got nothing left
for a couple of high school prom rejects
This old car has got a new headlight
and you can sleep while I drive
So slip a little closer next to me
and tell me everything that angel said
All the world swears you're a liar...
but you can sleep while I drive

Mirror lyrics:

but you can sleep while I drive
All the world swears you're a liar...
and tell me everything that angel said
So slip a little closer next to me
and you can sleep while I drive
This old car has got a new headlight
for a couple of high school prom rejects
This old town's got nothing left

Either way I know we've got to start tonight
for a time to live or a time to die
We can waste a lifetime waiting

And I believe it's true
Is going to save the world
It said some day that little boy of yours
I once read Him on the subway wall
We're all just sinners living for the fall
All the easy eyes upon you as you walk by
Hey Mary, can you feel it?

And anyway, all I need to believe in now is you
Don't really seem to fit you all that well
Your so called friends and the stories they tell
Has your "thunder road" come along and gone and left you praying?
Hey Mary are you still waiting?

Relevant Tags:
BBallad OOf MMary allad f ary aBllad fO aMry vallad kf jary vBallad kOf jMary Bvallad Okf Mjary gallad 9f kary gBallad 9Of kMary
Bgallad O9f Mkary nallad 0f nary nBallad 0Of nMary Bnallad O0f Mnary hallad lf Maary hBallad lOf Mry Bhallad Olf Mray Baallad if Mzry
Bllad iOf Mzary Blalad Oif Mazry Bzllad Off Mqry Bzallad O Mqary Bazllad Of Maqry Bqllad Oc Msry Bqallad Ocf Msary Baqllad Ofc Masry
Bsllad Or Mwry Bsallad Orf Mwary Basllad Ofr Mawry Bwllad Og Mxry Bwallad Ogf Mxary Bawllad Ofg Maxry Bxllad Ot Marry Bxallad Otf May
Baxllad Oft Mayr Balllad Ov Mady Balad Ovf Madry Ballad Ofv Mardy Baklad Od Ma4y Bakllad Odf Ma4ry Balklad Ofd Mar4y Baolad Magy
Baollad Magry Balolad Margy Baplad Maty Bapllad Matry

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