The Sad Skinhead

Apart from all the bad times you gave me
I always felt good with you
Going places, smashing faces
what else could we do?
what else could we do?

Apart from all the good times I gave you
you always felt bad with me
I was nervous, you were nervous
what else could have happened to us?
what else could have happened to us?

Apart from all the bad times you gave me
I always felt good with you
Going places, smashing faces
what else could we do?
what else could we do?

Mirror lyrics:

what else could we do?
what else could we do?
Going places, smashing faces
I always felt good with you
Apart from all the bad times you gave me

what else could have happened to us?
what else could have happened to us?
I was nervous, you were nervous
you always felt bad with me
Apart from all the good times I gave you

what else could we do?
what else could we do?
Going places, smashing faces
I always felt good with you
Apart from all the bad times you gave me

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSad SSkinhead he ad kinhead hTe aSd kSinhead fhe zad zkinhead fThe zSad zSkinhead Tfhe Szad Szkinhead 5he wad wkinhead
5The wSad wSkinhead T5he Swad Swkinhead hhe dad dkinhead hThe dSad dSkinhead Thhe Sdad Sdkinhead yhe ead ekinhead yThe eSad eSkinhead
Tyhe Sead Sekinhead 6he xad xkinhead 6The xSad xSkinhead T6he Sxad Sxkinhead ghe aad akinhead gThe aSad aSkinhead Tghe Saad Sakinhead
rhe Skkinhead rThe Sd Sinhead Trhe Sda Siknhead Szd Slinhead Te Slkinhead Teh Sazd Sklinhead Tje Sqd Soinhead
Tjhe Sqad Sokinhead Thje Saqd Skoinhead Tue Ssd Sminhead Tuhe Ssad Smkinhead Thue Sasd Skminhead Tne Swd Sjinhead Tnhe Sjkinhead
Thne Sawd Skjinhead Tbe Sxd Siinhead Tbhe Sikinhead Thbe Saxd Skiinhead Tge Sadd Sa Sknhead Thge Sad Sknihead
Tye Sax Skjnhead Thye Sadx Skijnhead Thee Sae Sk9nhead Th Saed Sk9inhead The Sade Ski9nhead Ths Saf Sklnhead Thse Safd
Thes Sadf Skilnhead Th3 Sar Skonhead Th3e Sard The3 Sadr Skionhead Thf Sac Skknhead Thfe Sacd Thef Sadc Skiknhead
Thr Sas Sk8nhead Thre Sk8inhead Ther Sads Ski8nhead Th4 Skunhead Th4e Skuinhead The4 Skiunhead Thd Skinnhead
Thde Skihead Thed Skihnead Thw Skimhead Thwe Skimnhead Thew Skinmhead Skihhead Skihnhead
Skinhhead Skijhead

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