You Lose

I told you once before
you're never gonna get what you're looking for
in my life
in my life

these scars have gone too far
there's just too much friction in the middle of us
and were done, too far gone

and you'll lose it all
only to find you've lost yourself

I told you once before
were never gonna last if you keep on breaking
me down
breaking me down

we can't hold out much more
you twist the knife cause you won't
stand up to your pride
now you're bleeding inside

and you'll lose it all
only to find you've ost yourself
and you'll run for your lies
only to find you've come undone

and when the dawn brings grace
you and I will both run away
run away

you and I we both run away
until today when vindication brought me here

and you'll lose it all
yes, you'll lose it all
(stop breaking me down)

you will lose it all
(stop breaking me down)

Mirror lyrics:

(stop breaking me down)
you will lose it all

(stop breaking me down)
yes, you'll lose it all
and you'll lose it all

until today when vindication brought me here
you and I we both run away

run away
you and I will both run away
and when the dawn brings grace

only to find you've come undone
and you'll run for your lies
only to find you've ost yourself
and you'll lose it all

now you're bleeding inside
stand up to your pride
you twist the knife cause you won't
we can't hold out much more

breaking me down
me down
were never gonna last if you keep on breaking
I told you once before

only to find you've lost yourself
and you'll lose it all

and were done, too far gone
there's just too much friction in the middle of us
these scars have gone too far

in my life
in my life
you're never gonna get what you're looking for
I told you once before

Relevant Tags:
YYou LLose ou ose oYu oLse gou kose gYou kLose Ygou Lkose hou oose hYou oLose Yhou Loose 6ou pose 6You pLose
Y6ou Lpose uou uYou Lse Yuou Lsoe 7ou Lkse 7You Y7ou Lokse jou L9se jYou L9ose Yjou Lo9se tou L0se
tYou L0ose Ytou Lo0se Yoou Llse Yu Llose Yuo Lolse Yku Lise Ykou Liose Yoku Loise Y9u Losse Y9ou Loe Yo9u Loes
Y0u Loze Y0ou Lozse

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