The Ghost Of My Good Side

Turns out today I'm playing the bad guy
but I'll consider doing something good
if it fits my agenda
because I don't have time to think about you
I don't have time to worry about you

Turns out today I'm worse than yesterday
cause yesterday I was thoughtful and kind
with you on my mind
but that's not me, no that's not me anymore

What happened to me
I used to be a good guy
I used to be a good guy
All that's left is the ghost of my good side

Oh whoa oh
selfish mistakes oh how it breaks your heart
oh whoa oh
this person I've made is tearing us both apart

Turns out today I gossiped your secrets
but it's only cause I'm insecure
over all my abjection
but in hindsight I can see so clearly
in hindsight I can see so clearly now

What happened to me
I used to be a good guy
I used to be a good guy
All that's left is the ghost of my good side

What a lie
what a selfish diposition
It appears I've abandoned you in every way
give me a chance I'll redeem these poor intentions
and maybe just maybe you and I will be alright
we'll be alright again

Mirror lyrics:

we'll be alright again
and maybe just maybe you and I will be alright
give me a chance I'll redeem these poor intentions
It appears I've abandoned you in every way
what a selfish diposition
What a lie

All that's left is the ghost of my good side
I used to be a good guy
I used to be a good guy
What happened to me

in hindsight I can see so clearly now
but in hindsight I can see so clearly
over all my abjection
but it's only cause I'm insecure
Turns out today I gossiped your secrets

this person I've made is tearing us both apart
oh whoa oh
selfish mistakes oh how it breaks your heart
Oh whoa oh

All that's left is the ghost of my good side
I used to be a good guy
I used to be a good guy
What happened to me

but that's not me, no that's not me anymore
with you on my mind
cause yesterday I was thoughtful and kind
Turns out today I'm worse than yesterday

I don't have time to worry about you
because I don't have time to think about you
if it fits my agenda
but I'll consider doing something good
Turns out today I'm playing the bad guy

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGhost OOf MMy GGood SSide he host f y ood ide hTe hGost fO yM oGod iSde fhe hhost kf jy hood zide fThe hGhost kOf jMy hGood zSide
Tfhe Ghhost Okf Mjy Ghood Szide 5he yhost 9f ky yood wide 5The yGhost 9Of kMy yGood wSide T5he Gyhost O9f Mky Gyood Swide hhe bhost 0f ny bood dide
hThe bGhost 0Of nMy bGood dSide Thhe Gbhost O0f Mny Gbood Sdide yhe vhost lf Myy vood eide yThe vGhost lOf M vGood eSide Tyhe Gvhost Olf My Gvood Seide
6he fhost if Mg food xide 6The fGhost iOf Mgy fGood xSide T6he Gfhost Oif Myg Gfood Sxide ghe thost Off Mh tood aide gThe tGhost O Mhy tGood aSide
Tghe Gthost Of Myh Gtood Saide rhe Oc M6 Goood Siide rThe Gost Ocf M6y God Sde Trhe Gohst Ofc My6 Good Sdie Gjost Or Mu Gkod Sjde
Te Gjhost Orf Muy Gkood Sjide Teh Ghjost Ofr Myu Gokod Sijde Tje Guost Og M7 G9od S9de Tjhe Guhost Ogf M7y G9ood S9ide Thje Ghuost Ofg My7 Go9od Si9de
Tue Gnost Ot Mj G0od Slde Tuhe Gnhost Otf G0ood Slide Thue Ghnost Oft Myj Go0od Silde Tne Gbost Ov Mt Glod Sode Tnhe Ovf Mty Glood Soide
Thne Ghbost Ofv Myt Golod Siode Tbe Ggost Od Giod Skde Tbhe Gghost Odf Giood Skide Thbe Ghgost Ofd Goiod Sikde Tge Gyost S8de
S8ide Thge Ghyost Godo Si8de Tye Ghoost Gokd Sude Ghst Suide Thye Ghsot Gookd Siude
Thee Ghkst Go9d Sidde Th Ghkost Sie The Ghokst Goo9d Sied Ths Gh9st Go0d Sixe Thse Gh9ost Sixde
Thes Gho9st Goo0d Sidxe

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