Price Of Freedom

Hiding in a weakness something we can never retain
Years of crawl -- decay and despair
Are we a wrong perception something we can never regainrepair

No one to blame, facing me random
Nothing will ever explain, so it reclines

Where was I meant to be
I feel I'm lost in a dream
Long for the day I can be myself

When will I be unleashed
It's not the way it should be
Again and again only to be myself

Mirror lyrics:

Again and again only to be myself
It's not the way it should be
When will I be unleashed

Long for the day I can be myself
I feel I'm lost in a dream
Where was I meant to be

Nothing will ever explain, so it reclines
No one to blame, facing me random

Are we a wrong perception something we can never regainrepair
Years of crawl -- decay and despair
Hiding in a weakness something we can never retain

Relevant Tags:
PPrice OOf FFreedom rice f reedom rPice fO rFeedom 0rice kf creedom 0Price kOf cFreedom P0rice Okf Fcreedom lrice 9f rreedom
lPrice 9Of rFreedom Plrice O9f Frreedom orice 0f greedom oPrice 0Of gFreedom Porice O0f Fgreedom Prrice lf treedom Pice lOf tFreedom
Pirce Olf Ftreedom Pdice if vreedom Pdrice iOf vFreedom Prdice Oif Fvreedom P4ice Off dreedom P4rice O dFreedom Pr4ice Of Fdreedom
Pgice Oc Pgrice Ocf Feedom Prgice Ofc Feredom Ptice Or Fdeedom Ptrice Orf Prtice Ofr Frdeedom P5ice Og F4eedom
P5rice Ogf F4reedom Pr5ice Ofg Fr4eedom Pfice Ot Fgeedom Pfrice Otf Prfice Oft Frgeedom Peice Ov Fteedom Perice Ovf
Preice Ofv Frteedom Priice Od F5eedom Prce Odf F5reedom Prcie Ofd Fr5eedom Prjce Ffeedom Prjice Ffreedom Prijce Frfeedom
Pr9ce Feeedom Pr9ice Fereedom Pri9ce Freeedom Prlce Prlice Fredom Prilce Freedom Proce Frsedom
Proice Frseedom Prioce Fresedom Prkce Fr3edom Prkice Fr3eedom Prikce Fre3edom Pr8ce Frfedom Pr8ice
Pri8ce Frefedom Pruce Frredom Pruice Priuce Freredom

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