Emma Roberts
Say Goodbye To Junior High

Joey keeps a picture in her locket
Likes to show it off to everyone
Megan's got a summer job she started
And you'll find me on the porch with my guitar
Gavin's got a secret, he won't tell it
And walking home from school he lost his way
Kelly gets attention when she wants it
Doesn't matter what she does or what she says

Hello life
Hello life
Hello pain
Say goodbye to junior high
Say goodbye to junior high

Crystal's got a party on the weekend
And rumor has it, Ryan broke it off
Rachel's on the cell phone with your boyfriend
Guess your friendship isn't really what you thought
Julie keeps a ring around her finger
And promises she'll never give it up
Amy wants a scholarship to college
And for Amy yeah the best is yet to come

Hello life
Hello life
Hello pain
Say goodbye to junior high
Say goodbye to junior high

Every time I see your face, oh
I remember the way we used to say, oh
That we had a good time
And we'll have a good life
Good life

So goodbye time
And goodbye friend
When I see you again will you remember my name
Hey, hey, hey
Every time I see your face
You know I'll be missing you one day
But we had a good time
We had a good time

Say goodbye to junior high
Hey, hey
I'll see you again
Say goodbye to junior high
We had a good time

Mirror lyrics:

We had a good time
Say goodbye to junior high
I'll see you again
Hey, hey
Say goodbye to junior high

We had a good time
But we had a good time
You know I'll be missing you one day
Every time I see your face
Hey, hey, hey
When I see you again will you remember my name
And goodbye friend
So goodbye time

Good life
And we'll have a good life
That we had a good time
I remember the way we used to say, oh
Every time I see your face, oh

Say goodbye to junior high
Say goodbye to junior high
Hello pain
Hello life
Hello life

And for Amy yeah the best is yet to come
Amy wants a scholarship to college
And promises she'll never give it up
Julie keeps a ring around her finger
Guess your friendship isn't really what you thought
Rachel's on the cell phone with your boyfriend
And rumor has it, Ryan broke it off
Crystal's got a party on the weekend

Say goodbye to junior high
Say goodbye to junior high
Hello pain
Hello life
Hello life

Doesn't matter what she does or what she says
Kelly gets attention when she wants it
And walking home from school he lost his way
Gavin's got a secret, he won't tell it
And you'll find me on the porch with my guitar
Megan's got a summer job she started
Likes to show it off to everyone
Joey keeps a picture in her locket

Relevant Tags:
SSay GGoodbye TTo JJunior HHigh ay oodbye o unior igh aSy oGodbye oT uJnior iHgh zay hoodbye fo kunior jigh zSay hGoodbye fTo kJunior jHigh
Szay Ghoodbye Tfo Jkunior Hjigh way yoodbye 5o iunior uigh wSay yGoodbye 5To iJunior uHigh Sway Gyoodbye T5o Jiunior Huigh day boodbye ho munior nigh
dSay bGoodbye hTo mJunior nHigh Sday Gboodbye Tho Jmunior Hnigh eay voodbye yo nunior bigh eSay vGoodbye yTo nJunior bHigh Seay Gvoodbye Tyo Jnunior Hbigh
xay foodbye 6o hunior gigh xSay fGoodbye 6To hJunior gHigh Sxay Gfoodbye T6o Jhunior Hgigh aay toodbye go uunior yigh aSay tGoodbye gTo uJunior yHigh
Saay Gtoodbye Tgo Juunior Hyigh Gooodbye ro Hiigh Sy Godbye rTo Jnior Hgh Sya Goodbye Tro Jnuior Hgih Szy Gkodbye Too Jhnior Hjgh
Gkoodbye T Sazy Gokodbye To Juhnior Hijgh Sqy G9odbye Tk J7nior H9gh Sqay G9oodbye Tko J7unior H9igh Saqy Go9odbye Tok Ju7nior Hi9gh
Ssy G0odbye T9 Jknior Hlgh Ssay G0oodbye T9o Hligh Sasy Go0odbye To9 Juknior Hilgh Swy Glodbye T0 Jinior Hogh Gloodbye T0o Hoigh
Sawy Golodbye To0 Juinior Hiogh Sxy Giodbye Tl J8nior Hkgh Gioodbye Tlo J8unior Hkigh Saxy Goiodbye Tol Ju8nior Hikgh Sayy Ti Jjnior H8gh
Sa Tio Jjunior H8igh Say Godobye Toi Jujnior Hi8gh Sag Gokdbye Jynior Hugh Sagy Jyunior Sayg Gookdbye Juynior Hiugh
Sah Go9dbye Junnior Higgh Sahy Juior Hih Sayh Goo9dbye Juinor Hihg Sa6 Go0dbye Jumior Hihh Sa6y Jumnior Hihgh
Say6 Goo0dbye Junmior Highh Sau Goldbye Juhior Hiyh Sauy Hiygh Sayu Gooldbye Junhior Higyh Sa7 Goidbye Jujior Hibh
Sa7y Hibgh Say7 Gooidbye Junjior Higbh Saj Gooddbye Jubior Hivh Sajy Goobye Jubnior Hivgh Sayj Goobdye Junbior Higvh
Sat Gooxbye Juniior Hifh Saty Gooxdbye Junor Hifgh Sayt Goodxbye Junoir Higfh Gooebye Junjor Hith Gooedbye Hitgh
Goodebye Junijor Higth

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