Emily Osment
Once Upon A Dream

I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream.
I know you,
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
I know it's true,
That visions of seldom always seem.

But if i know,
I know what you'll do.
You'll love me at once,
the way you did once upon a dream.

Once upon a time,
I dreamed we'd be together,
In love forever.
Once upon a night,
I was wishing for a never
A never ending...
Once upon a time
Once upon a night
Once upon a wish
Once upon a dream

I know you,
I danced with you,
once upon a night.
There we were,
wishing this dance would last forever all time.

I hope it's true,
this vision is more than what it seems.
Cause if dreams come true,
I know what we'll do.
We'll dance once again,
The way we did then, upon a dream.
Once upon a time,
I dreamed we'd be together,
In love forever.
Once upon a night,
I was wishing for a never
A never ending...
Once upon a time
Once upon a night
Once upon a wish
Once upon a dream (Yeah yeah yeah yeaaah)

Once upon a night,
I was wishing for a never
A never ending...
Once upon a time
Once upon a night
Once upon a wish
Once upon a dream
Once upon a dream.
Once upon a dream.
Once upon a dream.

Mirror lyrics:

Once upon a dream.
Once upon a dream.
Once upon a dream.
Once upon a dream
Once upon a wish
Once upon a night
Once upon a time
A never ending...
I was wishing for a never
Once upon a night,

Once upon a dream (Yeah yeah yeah yeaaah)
Once upon a wish
Once upon a night
Once upon a time
A never ending...
I was wishing for a never
Once upon a night,
In love forever.
I dreamed we'd be together,
Once upon a time,
The way we did then, upon a dream.
We'll dance once again,
I know what we'll do.
Cause if dreams come true,
this vision is more than what it seems.
I hope it's true,

wishing this dance would last forever all time.
There we were,
once upon a night.
I danced with you,
I know you,

Once upon a dream
Once upon a wish
Once upon a night
Once upon a time
A never ending...
I was wishing for a never
Once upon a night,
In love forever.
I dreamed we'd be together,
Once upon a time,

the way you did once upon a dream.
You'll love me at once,
I know what you'll do.
But if i know,

That visions of seldom always seem.
I know it's true,
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream.
I know you,

Relevant Tags:
OOnce UUpon AA DDream nce pon ream nOce pUon A rDeam knce hpon z xream kOnce hUpon zA xDream Oknce Uhpon Az Dxream
9nce 7pon q eream 9Once 7Upon qA eDream O9nce U7pon Aq Deream 0nce kpon s fream 0Once kUpon sA fDream O0nce Ukpon As Dfream
lnce ipon w rream lOnce iUpon wA rDream Olnce Uipon Aw Drream ince 8pon x cream iOnce 8Upon xA cDream Oince U8pon Ax Dcream
Onnce jpon sream Oce jUpon sDream Ocne Ujpon Dsream Omce ypon Omnce yUpon Deam Onmce Uypon Deram
Ohce Uppon Ddeam Ohnce Uon Ddream Onhce Uopn Drdeam Ojce U0on D4eam Ojnce U0pon D4ream Onjce Up0on Dr4eam
Obce Ulon Dgeam Obnce Ulpon Dgream Onbce Uplon Drgeam Oncce Uoon Dteam One Uopon Dtream Onec Upoon Drteam
Onfe D5eam Onfce Upn D5ream Oncfe Upno Dr5eam Onxe Upkn Dfeam Onxce Upkon Oncxe Upokn Drfeam
Onve Up9n Deeam Onvce Up9on Oncve Upo9n Dreeam

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