Emily Osment
What About Me

The city is sleeping, but I'm still awake
I'm dreaming, I'm thinking what happend today, is it right?
I fold into the night
The flashbacks, the pictures, the letters and songs
The memories, the heart that you carved on the wall
It's a shame, now that nothing's the same

Now the bridges are burned and we're lost in the wind
It's time that we sink or swim

What about you
What about me
What about fairy tale endings
Were you just pretending to be
And I'm wondering
What if we tried
What if I cried
What if it's better tomorrow
What if I followed your eyes
I'm wondering
What about me?

You said it, you meant it, you hung up the phone
The talking in circles it set it stone
You were gone, we were wrong all along
Now the past is the past and the bruises may fade
These scars are here to stay

What about you
What about me
What about fairy tale endings
Were you just pretending to be
I'm wondering
What if we tried
What if I cried
What if it's better tomorrow
What if I followed your eyes
I'm wondering
What about me?

Stay away
You'll fade away
I'm not afraid anymore

What about you
What about me
What about fairy tale endings
Were you just pretending to be
I'm wondering
What if we tried
What if I cried
What if it's better tomorrow
What if I followed your eyes
I'm wondering
What about me?

The city is sleeping, but I'm still awake (what about me)
I'm dreaming, I'm thinking what happend today, is it right?

Mirror lyrics:

I'm dreaming, I'm thinking what happend today, is it right?
The city is sleeping, but I'm still awake (what about me)

What about me?
I'm wondering
What if I followed your eyes
What if it's better tomorrow
What if I cried
What if we tried
I'm wondering
Were you just pretending to be
What about fairy tale endings
What about me
What about you

I'm not afraid anymore
You'll fade away
Stay away

What about me?
I'm wondering
What if I followed your eyes
What if it's better tomorrow
What if I cried
What if we tried
I'm wondering
Were you just pretending to be
What about fairy tale endings
What about me
What about you

These scars are here to stay
Now the past is the past and the bruises may fade
You were gone, we were wrong all along
The talking in circles it set it stone
You said it, you meant it, you hung up the phone

What about me?
I'm wondering
What if I followed your eyes
What if it's better tomorrow
What if I cried
What if we tried
And I'm wondering
Were you just pretending to be
What about fairy tale endings
What about me
What about you

It's time that we sink or swim
Now the bridges are burned and we're lost in the wind

It's a shame, now that nothing's the same
The memories, the heart that you carved on the wall
The flashbacks, the pictures, the letters and songs
I fold into the night
I'm dreaming, I'm thinking what happend today, is it right?
The city is sleeping, but I'm still awake

Relevant Tags:
WWhat AAbout MMe hat bout e hWat bAout eM ahat zbout je aWhat zAbout jMe Wahat Azbout Mje 3hat qbout ke 3What qAbout kMe W3hat Aqbout Mke
dhat sbout ne dWhat sAbout nMe Wdhat Asbout Mne ehat wbout Mee eWhat wAbout M Wehat Awbout Me shat xbout Ms sWhat xAbout Mse Wshat Axbout Mes
2hat Abbout M3 2What Aout M3e W2hat Aobut Me3 qhat Avout Mf qWhat Avbout Mfe Wqhat Abvout Mef Whhat Agout Mr Wat Agbout Mre Waht Abgout Mer
Wjat Anout M4 Wjhat Anbout M4e Whjat Abnout Me4 Wuat Ahout Md Wuhat Ahbout Mde Whuat Abhout Med Wnat Aboout Mw Wnhat Abut Mwe Whnat Abuot Mew
Wbat Abkut Wbhat Abkout Whbat Abokut Wgat Ab9ut Wghat Ab9out Whgat Abo9ut Wyat Ab0ut Wyhat Ab0out Whyat Abo0ut
Whaat Ablut Wht Ablout Whta Abolut

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