Emm Gryner
For What Reason (girl Versions)

This won't be the last you'll hear from me,
it's just the start.
I hope that he keeps you up for weeks,
like you did to me.

I will hold a candle up to you,
to singe your skin.
Brace yourself: I'm bent with bitterness.
You can't foresee

When your apologies fail to ring true, (you're) so slick with that sarcastic slew
Or phrases like 'I thought you knew', while keeping me in hot pursuit.
Tracing the plot finds skin touching skin (absence follows).

In the end, I win every time,
as ink remains.
Sour tastes prevail as you play back
the tape machine

When your apologies fail to ring true, (you're) so slick with that sarcastic slew
Or phrases like 'I thought you knew', while keeping me in hot pursuit.
Tracing the plot finds skin touching skin (absence follows).

Mirror lyrics:

Tracing the plot finds skin touching skin (absence follows).
Or phrases like 'I thought you knew', while keeping me in hot pursuit.
When your apologies fail to ring true, (you're) so slick with that sarcastic slew

the tape machine
Sour tastes prevail as you play back
as ink remains.
In the end, I win every time,

Tracing the plot finds skin touching skin (absence follows).
Or phrases like 'I thought you knew', while keeping me in hot pursuit.
When your apologies fail to ring true, (you're) so slick with that sarcastic slew

You can't foresee
Brace yourself: I'm bent with bitterness.
to singe your skin.
I will hold a candle up to you,

like you did to me.
I hope that he keeps you up for weeks,
it's just the start.
This won't be the last you'll hear from me,

Relevant Tags:
FFor WWhat RReason ((girl VVersions) or hat eason girl ersions) oFr hWat eRason g(irl eVrsions) cor ahat deason (ggirl bersions) cFor aWhat dReason (irl bVersions)
Fcor Wahat Rdeason (igrl Vbersions) ror 3hat 4eason (hirl cersions) rFor 3What 4Reason (hgirl cVersions) Fror W3hat R4eason (ghirl Vcersions) gor dhat geason (yirl gersions)
gFor dWhat gReason (ygirl gVersions) Fgor Wdhat Rgeason (gyirl Vgersions) tor ehat teason (birl fersions) tFor eWhat tReason (bgirl fVersions) Ftor Wehat Rteason (gbirl Vfersions)
vor shat 5eason (virl Veersions) vFor sWhat 5Reason (vgirl Vrsions) Fvor Wshat R5eason (gvirl Vresions) dor 2hat feason (firl Vsrsions) dFor 2What fReason (fgirl Vsersions)
Fdor W2hat Rfeason (gfirl Vesrsions) Foor qhat eeason (tirl V3rsions) Fr qWhat eReason (tgirl V3ersions) Fro Wqhat Reeason (gtirl Ve3rsions) Fkr Whhat (giirl Vfrsions)
Fkor Wat Rason (grl Fokr Waht Raeson (gril Vefrsions) F9r Wjat Rsason (gjrl Vrrsions) F9or Wjhat Rseason (gjirl Vrersions) Fo9r Whjat Resason (gijrl Verrsions)
F0r Wuat R3ason (g9rl V4rsions) F0or Wuhat R3eason (g9irl V4ersions) Fo0r Whuat Re3ason (gi9rl Ve4rsions) Flr Wnat Rfason (glrl Vdrsions) Flor Wnhat (glirl Vdersions)
Folr Whnat Refason (gilrl Vedrsions) Fir Wbat Rrason (gorl Vwrsions) Fior Wbhat Rreason (goirl Vwersions) Foir Whbat Rerason (giorl Vewrsions) Forr Wgat R4ason (gkrl
Fo Wghat (gkirl Vesions) For Whgat Re4ason (gikrl Vesrions) Fod Wyat Rdason (g8rl Vedsions) Fodr Wyhat (g8irl Ford Whyat Redason (gi8rl Verdsions)
Fo4 Whaat Rwason (gurl Ve4sions) Fo4r Wht Rweason (guirl For4 Whta Rewason (giurl Ver4sions) Fog Whzt Reaason (girrl Vegsions) Fogr Whzat Reson (gil Vegrsions)
Forg Whazt Resaon (gilr Vergsions) Fot Whqt Rezson (gidl Vetsions) Fotr Whqat Rezason (gidrl Vetrsions) Fort Whaqt Reazson (girdl Vertsions) Fo5 Whst Reqson (gi4l Ve5sions)
Fo5r Whsat Reqason (gi4rl Ve5rsions) For5 Whast Reaqson (gir4l Ver5sions) Fof Whwt Resson (gigl Vefsions) Fofr Whwat (gigrl Forf Whawt Reasson (girgl Verfsions)
Foe Whxt Rewson (gitl Veesions) Foer Whxat (gitrl Fore Whaxt Reawson (girtl Veresions) Whatt Rexson (gi5l Verssions) Wha Rexason (gi5rl Verions)
What Reaxson (gir5l Verisons) Whaf (gifl Verzions) Whaft Reaon (gifrl Verzsions) Whatf Reaosn (girfl Verszions) Wha5 Reazon (giel Verwions)
Wha5t (gierl Verwsions) What5 Reaszon (girel Verswions) Whah Reawon (girll Verdions) Whaht (gir Whath Reaswon (girl Versdions)
Whay Readon (girk Vereions)

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