Elton John
All That I'm Allowed (i'm Thankful)

Breaking down never seems to be that hard
Falling short is always in the cards
I'm on the road, sunrise is at my back
Lost it all somewhere between the cracks

I always hoped that I'd do better
That I'd come out on top for once
We all get what we're delivered
Then there are the lucky ones

And I've got all that I'm allowed
It'll do for me, I'm thankful now
The walls get higher every day
The barriers get in the way
But I see hope in every cloud
And I'm thankful, thankful
I'm thankful, So thankful
I'm thankful, I've got all that I'm allowed

Leaving town gets to feel just like a job
My desire never winds up on top
I can say now I didn't want the moon
It's out of reach somewhere beyond this room

I always hoped that I'd do better
That I'd come out on top for once
We all get what we're delivered
Then there are the lucky ones

And I've got all that I'm allowed
It'll do for me, I'm thankful now
The walls get higher every day
The barriers get in the way
But I see hope in every cloud
And I'm thankful, thankful
I'm thankful, so thankful
I'm thankful, I've got all that I'm allowed

I always try to make things clear
Then I watched as progress starts
I only hope I'm standing here
When heaven finally comes to cal;

Mirror lyrics:

When heaven finally comes to cal;
I only hope I'm standing here
Then I watched as progress starts
I always try to make things clear

I'm thankful, I've got all that I'm allowed
I'm thankful, so thankful
And I'm thankful, thankful
But I see hope in every cloud
The barriers get in the way
The walls get higher every day
It'll do for me, I'm thankful now
And I've got all that I'm allowed

Then there are the lucky ones
We all get what we're delivered
That I'd come out on top for once
I always hoped that I'd do better

It's out of reach somewhere beyond this room
I can say now I didn't want the moon
My desire never winds up on top
Leaving town gets to feel just like a job

I'm thankful, I've got all that I'm allowed
I'm thankful, So thankful
And I'm thankful, thankful
But I see hope in every cloud
The barriers get in the way
The walls get higher every day
It'll do for me, I'm thankful now
And I've got all that I'm allowed

Then there are the lucky ones
We all get what we're delivered
That I'd come out on top for once
I always hoped that I'd do better

Lost it all somewhere between the cracks
I'm on the road, sunrise is at my back
Falling short is always in the cards
Breaking down never seems to be that hard

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThat II'm AAllowed ((i'm TThankful) ll hat 'm llowed i'm hankful) lAl hTat 'Im lAlowed i('m hTankful) zll fhat j'm zllowed (ii'm fhankful) zAll fThat jI'm zAllowed ('m fThankful)
Azll Tfhat Ij'm Azllowed ('im Tfhankful) qll 5hat 9'm qllowed (j'm 5hankful) qAll 5That 9I'm qAllowed (ji'm 5Thankful) Aqll T5hat I9'm Aqllowed (ij'm T5hankful) sll hhat l'm sllowed (9'm hhankful)
sAll hThat lI'm sAllowed (9i'm hThankful) Asll Thhat Il'm Asllowed (i9'm Thhankful) wll yhat o'm wllowed (l'm yhankful) wAll yThat oI'm wAllowed (li'm yThankful) Awll Tyhat Io'm Awllowed (il'm Tyhankful)
xll 6hat k'm xllowed (o'm 6hankful) xAll 6That kI'm xAllowed (oi'm 6Thankful) Axll T6hat Ik'm Axllowed (io'm T6hankful) Alll ghat 8'm Alllowed (k'm ghankful) Al gThat 8I'm Alowed (ki'm gThankful)
All Tghat I8'm Allowed (ik'm Tghankful) Akl rhat u'm Aklowed (8'm rhankful) Akll rThat uI'm Akllowed (8i'm rThankful) Alkl Trhat Iu'm Alklowed (i8'm Trhankful) Aol I''m Aolowed (u'm
Aoll Tat Im Aollowed (ui'm Tankful) Alol Taht Im' Alolowed (iu'm Tahnkful) Apl Tjat I'mm Aplowed (i''m Tjankful) Apll Tjhat I' Apllowed (im Tjhankful) Alpl Thjat I'm Alplowed (im' Thjankful)
Tuat I'j (i'mm Tuankful) Tuhat I'jm (i' Tuhankful) Thuat I'mj Alolwed (i'm Thuankful) Alk Tnat I'k Alkowed (i'j Tnankful) Tnhat I'km (i'jm Tnhankful)
Allk Thnat I'mk Allkowed (i'mj Thnankful) Alo Tbat I'n Aloowed (i'k Tbankful) Tbhat I'nm (i'km Tbhankful) Allo Thbat I'mn Alloowed (i'mk Thbankful) Alp Tgat Alpowed (i'n Tgankful)
(i'nm Allp Thgat Allpowed (i'mn Thgankful) Tyat Tyankful) Allwed Thyat Allwoed Thyankful)
Thaat Allkwed Thaankful) Tht Thnkful) Thta Allokwed Thnakful) Thzt All9wed Thznkful) Thzat All9owed Thzankful)
Thazt Allo9wed Thaznkful) Thqt All0wed Thqnkful) Thqat All0owed Thqankful) Thaqt Allo0wed Thaqnkful) Thst Alllwed Thsnkful)
Thsat Thsankful) Thast Allolwed Thasnkful) Thwt Alliwed Thwnkful) Thwat Alliowed Thwankful) Thawt Alloiwed Thawnkful)
Thxt Allowwed Thxnkful) Thxat Alloed Thxankful) Thaxt Alloewd Thaxnkful) Thatt Alloaed Thannkful) Tha Alloawed Thakful)
That Allowaed Thaknful) Thaf Allo3ed Thamkful) Thaft Allo3wed Thamnkful) Thatf Allow3ed Thanmkful) Tha5 Alloded Thahkful)
Tha5t Allodwed Thahnkful) That5 Allowded Thanhkful) Thah Alloeed Thajkful) Thaht Alloewed Thajnkful) Thath Alloweed Thanjkful)

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