Emmylou Harris
Mystery Train

(Herman Parker/Sam Phillips)

Train arrive 16 coaches long
Train arrive 16 coaches long
Well that long black train
Took my baby back home.

Train train rolling round the bend
Train train rolling round the bend
Well it took my baby
Away from me again.

Went down to the station
To meet my baby at the gate
Ask the station master
If her train is running late
He said no if your wait
on that old 44
I hate to tell you son
But that train don't stop her anymore.

Train train rolling round the bend
Train train rolling round the bend
Well it took my baby
Away from me again.

Heard that whistle blowing
It was the middle of the night
When I got down to the station
The train was rolling out of site.

Mystery train rolling round the bend
Mystery train rolling round the bend
Well it took my baby
Away from me again...

Mirror lyrics:

Away from me again...
Well it took my baby
Mystery train rolling round the bend
Mystery train rolling round the bend

The train was rolling out of site.
When I got down to the station
It was the middle of the night
Heard that whistle blowing

Away from me again.
Well it took my baby
Train train rolling round the bend
Train train rolling round the bend

But that train don't stop her anymore.
I hate to tell you son
on that old 44
He said no if your wait
If her train is running late
Ask the station master
To meet my baby at the gate
Went down to the station

Away from me again.
Well it took my baby
Train train rolling round the bend
Train train rolling round the bend

Took my baby back home.
Well that long black train
Train arrive 16 coaches long
Train arrive 16 coaches long

(Herman Parker/Sam Phillips)

Relevant Tags:
MMystery TTrain ystery rain yMstery rTain jystery frain jMystery fTrain Mjystery Tfrain kystery 5rain kMystery 5Train Mkystery T5rain
nystery hrain nMystery hTrain Mnystery Thrain Myystery yrain Mstery yTrain Msytery Tyrain Mgstery 6rain Mgystery 6Train Mygstery T6rain
Mhstery grain Mhystery gTrain Myhstery Tgrain M6stery rrain M6ystery rTrain My6stery Trrain Mustery Muystery Tain Myustery Tarin
M7stery Tdain M7ystery Tdrain My7stery Trdain Mjstery T4ain T4rain Myjstery Tr4ain Mtstery Tgain Mtystery Mytstery Trgain
Mysstery Ttain Mytery Ttrain Mytsery Trtain Myztery T5ain Myzstery Mysztery Tr5ain Mywtery Tfain Mywstery Myswtery Trfain
Mydtery Teain Mydstery Terain Mysdtery Treain Myetery Traain Myestery Trin Mysetery Trian Myxtery Trzin Myxstery Trzain Mysxtery Trazin
Myatery Trqin Myastery Trqain Mysatery Traqin Mysttery Trsin Mysery Trsain Mysetry Trasin Mysfery Trwin Mysftery Trwain Mystfery Trawin
Mys5ery Trxin Mys5tery Trxain Myst5ery Traxin Myshery Traiin Myshtery Tran Mysthery Trani Mysyery Trajn Mysytery Trajin Mystyery Traijn

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