Emmylou Harris
Christmas Time's A Comin'

(Tex Logan)

Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
And I know I'm going home.

Snowflakes are falling
My old home's a calling
Tall pines are humming
Christmas time's a coming.

Can't you hear them bells ringing, ringing
Joy, joy, hear them singing
When it's snowing I'll be going
back to my country home.

Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
And I know I'm going home.

--- Instrumental ---

Hollies in the window
Home's where the wind blows
Can't walk for running
Christmas time's a comin'.

Can't you hear them bells ringing, ringing
Joy, joy, hear them singing
When it's snowing I'll be going
back to my country home.

Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
And I know I'm going home.

--- Instrumental ---

White candles burning
My old heart's a yearning
For the folks at home
When Christmas time's a coming.

Can't you hear them bells ringing, ringing
Joy, joy, hear them singing
When it's snowing I'll be going
back to my country home.

Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
And I know I'm going home.

Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
And I know I'm going home...

Mirror lyrics:

And I know I'm going home...
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'

And I know I'm going home.
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'

back to my country home.
When it's snowing I'll be going
Joy, joy, hear them singing
Can't you hear them bells ringing, ringing

When Christmas time's a coming.
For the folks at home
My old heart's a yearning
White candles burning

--- Instrumental ---

And I know I'm going home.
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'

back to my country home.
When it's snowing I'll be going
Joy, joy, hear them singing
Can't you hear them bells ringing, ringing

Christmas time's a comin'.
Can't walk for running
Home's where the wind blows
Hollies in the window

--- Instrumental ---

And I know I'm going home.
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'

back to my country home.
When it's snowing I'll be going
Joy, joy, hear them singing
Can't you hear them bells ringing, ringing

Christmas time's a coming.
Tall pines are humming
My old home's a calling
Snowflakes are falling

And I know I'm going home.
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'
Christmas time's a comin'

(Tex Logan)

Relevant Tags:
CChristmas TTime's AA CComin' hristmas ime's omin' hCristmas iTme's A oCmin' fhristmas fime's z fomin' fChristmas fTime's zA fComin'
Cfhristmas Tfime's Az Cfomin' xhristmas 5ime's q xomin' xChristmas 5Time's qA xComin' Cxhristmas T5ime's Aq Cxomin' vhristmas hime's s vomin'
vChristmas hTime's sA vComin' Cvhristmas Thime's As Cvomin' dhristmas yime's w domin' dChristmas yTime's wA dComin' Cdhristmas Tyime's Aw Cdomin'
Chhristmas 6ime's x Coomin' Cristmas 6Time's xA Cmin' Crhistmas T6ime's Ax Cmoin' Cjristmas gime's Ckmin' Cjhristmas gTime's Ckomin'
Chjristmas Tgime's Cokmin' Curistmas rime's C9min' Cuhristmas rTime's C9omin' Churistmas Trime's Co9min' Cnristmas Tiime's C0min'
Cnhristmas Tme's C0omin' Chnristmas Tmie's Co0min' Cbristmas Tjme's Clmin' Cbhristmas Tjime's Clomin' Chbristmas Tijme's Colmin'
Cgristmas T9me's Cimin' Cghristmas T9ime's Ciomin' Chgristmas Ti9me's Coimin' Cyristmas Tlme's Commin' Cyhristmas Tlime's Coin'
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