Emmylou Harris
Bright Morning Stars

Bright morning stars are rising,
Bright morning stars are rising,
Bright morning stars are rising,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.

Oh, where are our dear mothers,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.

They are down in the valley praying,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.

Oh where are our dear fathers,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.

They have gone to heaven shouting,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.

Bright morning stars are rising,
Day is a-breaking in my soul...

Mirror lyrics:

Day is a-breaking in my soul...
Bright morning stars are rising,

Day is a-breaking in my soul.
They have gone to heaven shouting,

Day is a-breaking in my soul.
Oh where are our dear fathers,

Day is a-breaking in my soul.
They are down in the valley praying,

Day is a-breaking in my soul.
Oh, where are our dear mothers,

Day is a-breaking in my soul.
Bright morning stars are rising,
Bright morning stars are rising,
Bright morning stars are rising,

Relevant Tags:
BBright MMorning SStars right orning tars rBight oMrning tSars vright jorning ztars vBright jMorning zStars Bvright Mjorning Sztars
gright korning wtars gBright kMorning wStars Bgright Mkorning Swtars nright norning dtars nBright nMorning dStars Bnright Mnorning Sdtars
hright Moorning etars hBright Mrning eStars Bhright Mroning Setars Brright Mkrning xtars Bight xStars Birght Mokrning Sxtars
Bdight M9rning atars Bdright M9orning aStars Brdight Mo9rning Satars B4ight M0rning Sttars B4right M0orning Sars Br4ight Mo0rning Satrs
Bgight Mlrning Sfars Mlorning Sftars Brgight Molrning Stfars Btight Mirning S5ars Btright Miorning S5tars Brtight Moirning St5ars
B5ight Morrning Shars B5right Moning Shtars Br5ight Monring Sthars Bfight Modning Syars Bfright Modrning Sytars Brfight Mordning Styars
Beight Mo4ning S6ars Beright Mo4rning S6tars Breight Mor4ning St6ars Briight Mogning Sgars Brght Mogrning Sgtars Brgiht Morgning Stgars
Brjght Motning Srars Brjight Motrning Srtars Brijght Mortning Strars Br9ght Mo5ning Staars Br9ight Mo5rning Strs Bri9ght Mor5ning Stras
Brlght Mofning Stzrs Brlight Mofrning Stzars Brilght Morfning Stazrs Broght Moening Stqrs Broight Moerning Stqars Brioght Morening Staqrs
Brkght Mornning Stsrs Brkight Moring Stsars Brikght Morinng Stasrs Br8ght Morming Stwrs Br8ight Mormning Stwars Bri8ght Mornming Stawrs
Brught Morhing Stxrs Bruight Morhning Stxars

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