Heads Or Tails Real Or Not

You loved it when my heart dropped.
You paused, stopped, and walked away,
full of content that it went your way.

These cuts that I've caused are never to deep to heal.
Peel back the bandage, see a scar from countless careless things,
and feel yourself drifting; pulled away.

Well nothing feels real anymore.
I'm not taking my time anymore
to show you how I feel,
to show you who I am,
'cause it's locked away.

We all need to find our way.
cut the loss, just walk away.
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.

I don't feel real, I don't feel real,
this pain is beating.
I don't feel real, I don't real.

Well nothing feels real anymore.
I'm not taking my time anymore.
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.

Well nothing feels real anymore.
I'm not taking my time anymore
to show you how I feel,
to show you who I am,
'cause it's locked away.

The things we think about at night never lose taste.
Now take the close to find something greater,
this wall has finally reached its end.
Its higher ground, lets make a stand.
Did you ever think that we would get this high?
Pull back the sheets to find a ending that you prayed for.

Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
Now head towards the light...

Mirror lyrics:

Now head towards the light...
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.

Pull back the sheets to find a ending that you prayed for.
Did you ever think that we would get this high?
Its higher ground, lets make a stand.
this wall has finally reached its end.
Now take the close to find something greater,
The things we think about at night never lose taste.

'cause it's locked away.
to show you who I am,
to show you how I feel,
I'm not taking my time anymore
Well nothing feels real anymore.

Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
I'm not taking my time anymore.
Well nothing feels real anymore.

I don't feel real, I don't real.
this pain is beating.
I don't feel real, I don't feel real,

Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
Now head towards the light, the dark has no place here.
cut the loss, just walk away.
We all need to find our way.

'cause it's locked away.
to show you who I am,
to show you how I feel,
I'm not taking my time anymore
Well nothing feels real anymore.

and feel yourself drifting; pulled away.
Peel back the bandage, see a scar from countless careless things,
These cuts that I've caused are never to deep to heal.

full of content that it went your way.
You paused, stopped, and walked away,
You loved it when my heart dropped.

Relevant Tags:
HHeads OOr TTails RReal OOr NNot eads r ails eal r ot eHads rO aTils eRal rO oNt jeads kr fails deal kr mot jHeads kOr fTails dReal kOr mNot
Hjeads Okr Tfails Rdeal Okr Nmot ueads 9r 5ails 4eal 9r hot uHeads 9Or 5Tails 4Real 9Or hNot Hueads O9r T5ails R4eal O9r Nhot neads 0r hails geal 0r jot
nHeads 0Or hTails gReal 0Or jNot Hneads O0r Thails Rgeal O0r Njot beads lr yails teal lr bot bHeads lOr yTails tReal lOr bNot Hbeads Olr Tyails Rteal Olr Nbot
geads ir 6ails 5eal ir Noot gHeads iOr 6Tails 5Real iOr Nt Hgeads Oir T6ails R5eal Oir Nto yeads Orr gails feal Orr Nkt yHeads O gTails fReal O Nkot
Hyeads Or Tgails Rfeal Or Nokt Heeads Od rails eeal Od N9t Hads Odr rTails eReal Odr N9ot Haeds Ord Trails Reeal Ord No9t Hsads O4 Taails O4 N0t
Hseads O4r Tils Ral O4r N0ot Hesads Or4 Tials Rael Or4 No0t H3ads Og Tzils Rsal Og Nlt H3eads Ogr Tzails Rseal Ogr Nlot He3ads Org Tazils Resal Org Nolt
Hfads Ot Tqils R3al Ot Nit Hfeads Otr Tqails R3eal Otr Niot Hefads Ort Taqils Re3al Ort Noit Hrads O5 Tsils Rfal O5 Nott Hreads O5r Tsails O5r No
Herads Or5 Tasils Refal Or5 Not H4ads Of Twils Rral Of Nof H4eads Ofr Twails Rreal Ofr Noft He4ads Orf Tawils Reral Orf Notf Hdads Oe Txils R4al Oe No5
Hdeads Oer Txails Oer No5t Hedads Ore Taxils Re4al Ore Not5 Hwads Taiils Rdal Noh Hweads Tals Noht Hewads Talis Redal Noth
Heaads Tajls Rwal Noy Heds Tajils Rweal Noyt Hedas Taijls Rewal Noty Hezds Ta9ls Reaal No6

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