Millenium Gone

golden age forever fallen

our empires turn to dust

without faith, no sign from heavens

humanity on it's knees

slowly drowning under pressure

the dominions of black sun

once so proud, the blood divine

dance with night dreams

monuments of millenium almost gone

as time has reached the point of the end

we shake our heads, new gods shall rise

eternal sadness and no utopias

masterpiece of bitter art

shapeless forms of human ideas

transformed into lands without light

some've chosen hate while others choose hope

the final confusion, the curtain falls

we tread thrones of old gods and dance on their graves

in minds of those who still can see

evil and goodness united in one

last desperate scream from the planet earth

Mirror lyrics:

last desperate scream from the planet earth

evil and goodness united in one

in minds of those who still can see

we tread thrones of old gods and dance on their graves

the final confusion, the curtain falls

some've chosen hate while others choose hope

transformed into lands without light

shapeless forms of human ideas

masterpiece of bitter art

eternal sadness and no utopias

we shake our heads, new gods shall rise

as time has reached the point of the end

monuments of millenium almost gone

dance with night dreams

once so proud, the blood divine

the dominions of black sun

slowly drowning under pressure

humanity on it's knees

without faith, no sign from heavens

our empires turn to dust

golden age forever fallen

Relevant Tags:
MMillenium GGone illenium one iMllenium oGne jillenium hone jMillenium hGone Mjillenium Ghone killenium yone kMillenium yGone
Mkillenium Gyone nillenium bone nMillenium bGone Mnillenium Gbone Miillenium vone Mllenium vGone Mlilenium Gvone Mjllenium fone
fGone Mijllenium Gfone M9llenium tone M9illenium tGone Mi9llenium Gtone Mlllenium Goone Mlillenium Gne Milllenium Gnoe
Mollenium Gkne Moillenium Gkone Miollenium Gokne Mkllenium G9ne G9one Mikllenium Go9ne M8llenium G0ne M8illenium G0one
Mi8llenium Go0ne Mullenium Glne Muillenium Glone Miullenium Golne Gine Milenium Gione Millenium Goine Miklenium Gonne
Goe Milklenium Goen Miolenium Gome Gomne Milolenium Gonme Miplenium Gohe Mipllenium Gohne Milplenium Gonhe
Goje Gojne Milelnium Gonje Milkenium Gobe Gobne Millkenium Gonbe Miloenium Gonee Gon
Milloenium Gone Milpenium Gons Gonse Millpenium Gones Milleenium Gon3 Millnium Gon3e Millneium Gone3 Millsnium Gonf
Millsenium Gonfe Millesnium Gonef Mill3nium Gonr Mill3enium Gonre Mille3nium Goner Millfnium Gon4

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