Engelbert Humperdinck
A Place In The Sun

Like a long, lonely stream
I keep runnin' towards a dream
Movin' on, movin' on
Like a branch on a tree
I keep reachin' to be free
Movin' on, movin' on

There's a place in the sun
Where there's hope for everyone
Where my poor, restless heart's got to run
There's a place in the sun
And before my life is done
Gotta find me a place in the sun

Like an old dusty road
I get weary from the load
Movin' on, movin' on
Like this tired, troubled Earth
I been rollin' since my birth
Movin' on, movin' on

There's a place in the sun
Where there's hope for everyone
Where my poor, restless heart's gotta run
There's a place in the sun
And before my life is done
Gotta find me a place in the sun
Gotta find me a place in the sun

Mirror lyrics:

Gotta find me a place in the sun
Gotta find me a place in the sun
And before my life is done
There's a place in the sun
Where my poor, restless heart's gotta run
Where there's hope for everyone
There's a place in the sun

Movin' on, movin' on
I been rollin' since my birth
Like this tired, troubled Earth
Movin' on, movin' on
I get weary from the load
Like an old dusty road

Gotta find me a place in the sun
And before my life is done
There's a place in the sun
Where my poor, restless heart's got to run
Where there's hope for everyone
There's a place in the sun

Movin' on, movin' on
I keep reachin' to be free
Like a branch on a tree
Movin' on, movin' on
I keep runnin' towards a dream
Like a long, lonely stream

Relevant Tags:
AA PPlace IIn TThe SSun lace n he un A lPace nI hTe uSn z 0lace jn fhe zun zA 0Place jIn fThe zSun Az P0lace Ijn Tfhe Szun
q llace 9n 5he wun qA lPlace 9In 5The wSun Aq Pllace I9n T5he Swun s olace ln hhe dun sA oPlace lIn hThe dSun As Polace Iln Thhe Sdun
w on yhe eun wA Pace oIn yThe eSun Aw Palce Ion Tyhe Seun x Pkace kn 6he xun xA Pklace kIn 6The xSun Ax Plkace Ikn T6he Sxun
Poace 8n ghe aun 8In gThe aSun Ploace I8n Tghe Saun Ppace un rhe Suun Pplace uIn rThe Sn Plpace Iun Trhe Snu
Plaace Inn Shn Plce I Te Shun Plcae In Teh Suhn Plzce Im Tje S7n Plzace Imn Tjhe S7un Plazce Inm Thje Su7n
Plqce Ih Tue Skn Plqace Ihn Tuhe Skun Plaqce Inh Thue Sukn Plsce Ij Tne Sin Plsace Tnhe Siun Plasce Inj Thne Suin
Plwce Ib Tbe S8n Plwace Ibn Tbhe S8un

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