Enemy Logic
The Savage Mind

Cut out this eye, look inside yourself.
Find what you've become inside a maze of hate.
Search for yourself deep.
Your consciousness lost inside a broken mind.
One more chance to live.
Our condition makes us whole, makes us one, forever in honour.
Break out of here. Fight another day.
This adrenaline inside such tired veins.
Rage courses though my mind.
Legions of fear tear across my skin.
Break the enemy.
Cut the noose, fall on down to the trap door.

Mirror lyrics:

Cut the noose, fall on down to the trap door.
Break the enemy.
Legions of fear tear across my skin.
Rage courses though my mind.
This adrenaline inside such tired veins.
Break out of here. Fight another day.
Our condition makes us whole, makes us one, forever in honour.
One more chance to live.
Your consciousness lost inside a broken mind.
Search for yourself deep.
Find what you've become inside a maze of hate.
Cut out this eye, look inside yourself.

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSavage MMind he avage ind hTe aSvage iMnd fhe zavage jind fThe zSavage jMind Tfhe Szavage Mjind 5he wavage kind
5The wSavage kMind T5he Swavage Mkind hhe davage nind hThe dSavage nMind Thhe Sdavage Mnind yhe eavage Miind yThe eSavage Mnd
Tyhe Seavage Mnid 6he xavage Mjnd 6The xSavage T6he Sxavage Mijnd ghe aavage M9nd gThe aSavage M9ind Tghe Saavage Mi9nd
rhe Mlnd rThe Svage Mlind Trhe Svaage Milnd Szvage Mond Te Moind Teh Sazvage Miond Tje Sqvage Mknd
Tjhe Sqavage Thje Saqvage Miknd Tue Ssvage M8nd Tuhe Ssavage M8ind Thue Sasvage Mi8nd Tne Swvage Mund Tnhe Muind
Thne Sawvage Miund Tbe Sxvage Minnd Tbhe Mid Thbe Saxvage Midn Tge Savvage Mimd Saage Mimnd Thge Saavge Minmd
Tye Sabage Mihd Sabvage Mihnd Thye Savbage Minhd Thee Sacage Mijd Th Sacvage The Savcage Minjd Ths Sagage Mibd
Thse Sagvage Mibnd Thes Savgage Minbd Th3 Safage Mindd Th3e Safvage Min The3 Savfage Mind Thf Savaage Minx Thfe Savge Minxd

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