Whine And Dine

As we sit down
to this lovely gourmet meal
the candle light is shining off your face.
I gaze into your beautiful eyes
you give me this hideous look
a look that's meant to kill.
Coming from a face so dull
open up your eyes and see what you have missed

I thought this night would be so perfect
if only you'd give a damn.

Did you really think that I
did not know how
to save you from choking on your own tongue?
This is what I call revenge
held in for so long.
Now you're swallowing my pain instead of your desert.

Each slice you cut
to filet cuts into me.
Bite hard, chew fast, I hope you
choke, on more then just your ignorance.
Cough up my love
given a dish that's best served cold.

I thought this night would be so perfect
if only you'd give a damn.

I never regret the days that I see you
I just regret that day that I met you.

Mirror lyrics:

I just regret that day that I met you.
I never regret the days that I see you

if only you'd give a damn.
I thought this night would be so perfect

given a dish that's best served cold.
Cough up my love
choke, on more then just your ignorance.
Bite hard, chew fast, I hope you
to filet cuts into me.
Each slice you cut

Now you're swallowing my pain instead of your desert.
held in for so long.
This is what I call revenge
to save you from choking on your own tongue?
did not know how
Did you really think that I

if only you'd give a damn.
I thought this night would be so perfect

open up your eyes and see what you have missed
Coming from a face so dull
a look that's meant to kill.
you give me this hideous look
I gaze into your beautiful eyes
the candle light is shining off your face.
to this lovely gourmet meal
As we sit down

Relevant Tags:
WWhine AAnd DDine hine nd ine hWine nAd iDne ahine znd xine aWhine zAnd xDine Wahine Aznd Dxine 3hine qnd eine 3Whine qAnd eDine
W3hine Aqnd Deine dhine snd fine dWhine sAnd fDine Wdhine Asnd Dfine ehine wnd rine eWhine wAnd rDine Wehine Awnd Drine shine xnd cine
sWhine xAnd cDine Wshine Axnd Dcine 2hine Annd sine 2Whine Ad sDine W2hine Adn Dsine qhine Amd Diine qWhine Amnd Dne Wqhine Anmd Dnie
Whhine Ahd Djne Wine Ahnd Djine Wihne Anhd Dijne Wjine Ajd D9ne Wjhine Ajnd D9ine Whjine Anjd Di9ne Wuine Abd Dlne Wuhine Abnd Dline
Whuine Anbd Dilne Wnine Andd Done Wnhine An Doine Whnine And Dione Wbine Anx Dkne Wbhine Anxd Dkine Whbine Andx Dikne Wgine Ane D8ne
Wghine Aned D8ine Whgine Ande Di8ne Wyine Anf Dune Wyhine Anfd Duine Whyine Andf Diune Whiine Anr Dinne Whne Anrd Die Whnie Andr Dien
Whjne Anc Dime Ancd Dimne Whijne Andc Dinme Wh9ne Ans Dihe Wh9ine Ansd Dihne

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