End Of Green
My Way

In my vains and in my face i want to leave but i cant...
I put my fears behind again...I hate myself and i cant hear you scream this
is my way.....cant hear you pray....
I hate myself....
This is my own way....

Mirror lyrics:

This is my own way....
I hate myself....
is my way.....cant hear you pray....
I put my fears behind again...I hate myself and i cant hear you scream this
In my vains and in my face i want to leave but i cant...

Relevant Tags:
MMy WWay y ay yM aWy jy aay jMy aWay Mjy Waay ky 3ay kMy 3Way Mky W3ay ny day nMy dWay
Mny Wday Myy eay M eWay My Weay Mg say Mgy sWay Myg Wsay Mh 2ay Mhy 2Way Myh W2ay M6 qay
M6y qWay My6 Wqay Mu Muy Wy Myu Wya M7 Wzy M7y Wzay My7 Wazy Mj Wqy

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