Elliott Smith
The Biggest Lie

i'm waiting for the train
the subway that only goes one way
the stupid thing that will come to pull us apart
and make everybody late

you spent everything you had
wanted everything to stop that bad
and now i'm a crushed credit card registered to smith
not the name that you call me with

you turned white like a saint
i'm tired of dancing on a pot of gold flake paint
oh we're so very precious, you and i
and everything that you do makes me want to die

oh i just told the biggest lie
i just told the biggest lie
the biggest lie

Mirror lyrics:

the biggest lie
i just told the biggest lie
oh i just told the biggest lie

and everything that you do makes me want to die
oh we're so very precious, you and i
i'm tired of dancing on a pot of gold flake paint
you turned white like a saint

not the name that you call me with
and now i'm a crushed credit card registered to smith
wanted everything to stop that bad
you spent everything you had

and make everybody late
the stupid thing that will come to pull us apart
the subway that only goes one way
i'm waiting for the train

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBiggest LLie he iggest ie hTe iBggest iLe fhe viggest kie fThe vBiggest kLie Tfhe Bviggest Lkie 5he giggest oie
5The gBiggest oLie T5he Bgiggest Loie hhe niggest pie hThe nBiggest pLie Thhe Bniggest Lpie yhe higgest Liie yThe hBiggest Le
Tyhe Bhiggest Lei 6he Biiggest Lje 6The Bggest Ljie T6he Bgigest Lije ghe Bjggest L9e gThe Bjiggest L9ie Tghe Bijggest Li9e
rhe B9ggest Lle rThe B9iggest Llie Trhe Bi9ggest Lile Blggest Loe Te Bliggest Teh Bilggest Lioe Tje Boggest Lke
Tjhe Boiggest Thje Bioggest Like Tue Bkggest L8e Tuhe Bkiggest L8ie Thue Bikggest Li8e Tne B8ggest Lue Tnhe B8iggest Luie
Thne Bi8ggest Liue Tbe Buggest Liee Tbhe Buiggest Li Thbe Biuggest Lie Tge Bigggest Lis Bigest Lise Thge Biggest Lies
Tye Bihgest Li3 Bihggest Li3e Thye Bighgest Lie3 Thee Biygest Lif Th Biyggest Life The Bigygest Lief Ths Bibgest Lir
Thse Bibggest Lire Thes Bigbgest Lier Th3 Bivgest Li4 Th3e Bivggest Li4e The3 Bigvgest Lie4 Thf Bifgest Lid Thfe Bifggest Lide
Thef Bigfgest Lied Thr Bitgest Liw Thre Bitggest Liwe Ther Bigtgest Liew Th4 Th4e The4 Bigegst
Thd Bighest Thde Thed Bigghest Thw Bigyest Thwe

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