Elliott Smith
All Cleaned Out

Here come your pride and joy,
The comic little drunk you call your boy,
making everybody smile.
Who takes your pretty plan,
And then becomes a disappearing man,
After a little while.

I saw you with your makeup running down,
Now what's that all about?
You say you don't want anyone around,
'Cause you're all cleaned out.

You toss the empty beer,
Not really as composed as you appear,
An icicle inside.
Wearing clothes that clash,
Wondering, is this treasure, is this trash?
Still trying to decide.

Now about five o'clock here comes your clown,
With the foot he's throwing down.
But all you say is you don't want anyone around,
No, not right now.

There ain't nothing to dream,
You don't wanna think about it.

I'm sorry you seem so stung,
And I'm sorry you think you have to hold your tongue,
When you're so pretty and smart.
I'm seeing you caving in,
Becoming afraid of all these men,
That you've given your heart.

I saw you with your makeup running down,
Now what's that all about?
You say you don't want anyone around,
'Cause youre all cleaned out.
All cleaned out,
All cleaned out.

Mirror lyrics:

All cleaned out.
All cleaned out,
'Cause youre all cleaned out.
You say you don't want anyone around,
Now what's that all about?
I saw you with your makeup running down,

That you've given your heart.
Becoming afraid of all these men,
I'm seeing you caving in,
When you're so pretty and smart.
And I'm sorry you think you have to hold your tongue,
I'm sorry you seem so stung,

You don't wanna think about it.
There ain't nothing to dream,

No, not right now.
But all you say is you don't want anyone around,
With the foot he's throwing down.
Now about five o'clock here comes your clown,

Still trying to decide.
Wondering, is this treasure, is this trash?
Wearing clothes that clash,
An icicle inside.
Not really as composed as you appear,
You toss the empty beer,

'Cause you're all cleaned out.
You say you don't want anyone around,
Now what's that all about?
I saw you with your makeup running down,

After a little while.
And then becomes a disappearing man,
Who takes your pretty plan,
making everybody smile.
The comic little drunk you call your boy,
Here come your pride and joy,

Relevant Tags:
AAll CCleaned OOut ll leaned ut lAl lCeaned uOt zll fleaned kut zAll fCleaned kOut Azll Cfleaned Okut qll xleaned 9ut
qAll xCleaned 9Out Aqll Cxleaned O9ut sll vleaned 0ut sAll vCleaned 0Out Asll Cvleaned O0ut wll dleaned lut wAll dCleaned lOut
Awll Cdleaned Olut xll Clleaned iut xAll Ceaned iOut Axll Celaned Oiut Alll Ckeaned Ouut Al Ckleaned Ot All Clkeaned Otu
Akl Coeaned Oht Akll Coleaned Ohut Alkl Cloeaned Ouht Aol Cpeaned O7t Aoll Cpleaned O7ut Alol Clpeaned Ou7t Apl Cleeaned Okt
Apll Claned Alpl Claened Oukt Clsaned Oit Clseaned Clesaned Ouit Alk Cl3aned O8t Cl3eaned O8ut
Allk Cle3aned Ou8t Alo Clfaned Ojt Clfeaned Ojut Allo Clefaned Oujt Alp Clraned Oyt Clreaned Oyut Allp Cleraned Ouyt
Cl4aned Outt Cl4eaned Ou Cle4aned Out Cldaned Ouf Cldeaned Ouft Cledaned Outf Clwaned Ou5
Clweaned Ou5t Clewaned Out5 Cleaaned Ouh Clened Clenaed Outh Clezned Ouy Clezaned
Cleazned Outy Cleqned Ou6 Cleqaned Ou6t Cleaqned Out6 Clesned Oug

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