Elvis Costello
I Threw It All Away

I once held her
In my arms
She said she would always stay
But I was cruel
And I treated her like a fool
I threw it all away
Once I had mountains
In the palm of my hand
And rivers to drink through everyday
But I must have been mad
I never knew what I had
Until I threw it all away

Love is all there is
That makes the world go round
Love as only love
Can't be denied

Not matter what you think about it
Just won't be able to do without it
Take a tip from one who's tried

So when you find someone
Who gives you all of her love
Take it to your heart don't
Let is stray
Cause one thing for certain
You will surely be hurting
If you throw it all away (x2)

Mirror lyrics:

If you throw it all away (x2)
You will surely be hurting
Cause one thing for certain
Let is stray
Take it to your heart don't
Who gives you all of her love
So when you find someone

Take a tip from one who's tried
Just won't be able to do without it
Not matter what you think about it

Can't be denied
Love as only love
That makes the world go round
Love is all there is

Until I threw it all away
I never knew what I had
But I must have been mad
And rivers to drink through everyday
In the palm of my hand
Once I had mountains
I threw it all away
And I treated her like a fool
But I was cruel
She said she would always stay
In my arms
I once held her

Relevant Tags:
II TThrew IIt AAll AAway hrew t ll way I hTrew tI lAl wAay j fhrew jt zll zway jI fThrew jIt zAll zAway Ij Tfhrew Ijt Azll Azway
9 5hrew 9t qll qway 9I 5Threw 9It qAll qAway I9 T5hrew I9t Aqll Aqway l hhrew lt sll sway lI hThrew lIt sAll sAway Il Thhrew Ilt Asll Asway
o yhrew ot wll wway oI yThrew oIt wAll wAway Io Tyhrew Iot Awll Awway k 6hrew kt xll xway kI 6Threw kIt xAll xAway Ik T6hrew Ikt Axll Axway
8 ghrew 8t Alll 8I gThrew 8It Al Aay I8 Tghrew I8t All Aawy u rhrew ut Akl Aaay uI rThrew uIt Akll Aaway Iu Trhrew Iut Alkl Awaay
Itt Aol A3ay Trew I Aoll A3way Trhew It Alol Aw3ay Tjrew If Apl Aday Tjhrew Ift Apll Adway Thjrew Itf Alpl Awday
Turew I5 Aeay Tuhrew I5t Aeway Thurew It5 Aweay Tnrew Ih Alk Asay Tnhrew Iht Thnrew Ith Allk Awsay
Tbrew Iy Alo A2ay Tbhrew Iyt A2way Thbrew Ity Allo Aw2ay Tgrew I6 Alp Aqay I6t Thgrew It6 Allp Awqay
Tyrew Ig Igt Awy Thyrew Itg Awya Thrrew Ir Awzy Thew Irt Awzay Therw Itr Awazy
Thdew Awqy Thdrew Thrdew Awaqy Th4ew Awsy

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