Edna's Goldfish
Our Destiny

Artist: Hinda Hicks

Written by E.Roderick Jackson/M.Hamilton/H.Hicks (2000)

I've been hoping the new dawning
May bring with it
Some peace within our lives
Because there's too many
Little babies crying
Too many soldiers on front lines
That's why I say

If now and then
We looked over our shoulders
Maybe we'll find
Our way ahead is so much clearer
We'll know to leave behind
All of the fears that
Hold us back from
Being all we can
How free we'd be to go
On in life and fulfill our destiny

Grudges we bear
Only get us nowhere
Much better to release
And free your mind
well it's not too late
To right the wrongs that we've made
The future's tomorrow
The limit's the sky

When it all seems so crazy
We wage war after war
Seem we'll fight till
We're no more


Just as long as
We pull together
I know we can make it through

Chorus (x 3)

Mirror lyrics:

Chorus (x 3)

I know we can make it through
We pull together
Just as long as


We're no more
Seem we'll fight till
We wage war after war
When it all seems so crazy

The limit's the sky
The future's tomorrow
To right the wrongs that we've made
well it's not too late
And free your mind
Much better to release
Only get us nowhere
Grudges we bear

On in life and fulfill our destiny
How free we'd be to go
Being all we can
Hold us back from
All of the fears that
We'll know to leave behind
Our way ahead is so much clearer
Maybe we'll find
We looked over our shoulders
If now and then

That's why I say
Too many soldiers on front lines
Little babies crying
Because there's too many
Some peace within our lives
May bring with it
I've been hoping the new dawning

Written by E.Roderick Jackson/M.Hamilton/H.Hicks (2000)

Artist: Hinda Hicks

Relevant Tags:
OOur DDestiny ur estiny uOr eDstiny kur xestiny kOur xDestiny Okur Dxestiny 9ur eestiny 9Our eDestiny O9ur Deestiny 0ur festiny
0Our fDestiny O0ur Dfestiny lur restiny lOur rDestiny Olur Drestiny iur cestiny iOur cDestiny Oiur Dcestiny Ouur sestiny Or sDestiny
Oru Dsestiny Ohr Ohur Dstiny Ouhr Dsetiny O7r Dsstiny O7ur Ou7r Desstiny Okr D3stiny D3estiny Oukr De3stiny
Oir Dfstiny Ouir Defstiny O8r Drstiny O8ur Ou8r Derstiny Ojr D4stiny Ojur D4estiny Oujr De4stiny Oyr Ddstiny Oyur Ddestiny
Ouyr Dedstiny Ourr Dwstiny Ou Dwestiny Our Dewstiny Oud Oudr Detiny Ourd Detsiny Ou4 Deztiny Ou4r Dezstiny Our4 Desztiny
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Oufr Dexstiny Ourf Desxtiny Oue Deatiny Ouer Deastiny Oure Desatiny Desttiny Desiny Desitny Desfiny Desftiny

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