Elvis Presley
Down In The Alley

Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Down in the alley, just you and me
We're going bowlin' till half past three
Just rockin' and reelin', we'll get that feelin'
Down in the alley, oh baby gee

I wake you now and dig you later
'cause you're a fine sweet potato
We'll have a ball and that ain't all
Down in the alley, just you and me

The clock is striking a mournful sound
This time of evening my love comes down
That's when I'm missin' your kind of kissin'
Down in the alley, that's where I'll be

Down in the alley, we sure have fun
We just get started 'bout half past one
So if you're 'round just come on down
Down in the alley and you will see

Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane

Mirror lyrics:

Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane

Down in the alley and you will see
So if you're 'round just come on down
We just get started 'bout half past one
Down in the alley, we sure have fun

Down in the alley, that's where I'll be
That's when I'm missin' your kind of kissin'
This time of evening my love comes down
The clock is striking a mournful sound

Down in the alley, just you and me
We'll have a ball and that ain't all
'cause you're a fine sweet potato
I wake you now and dig you later

Down in the alley, oh baby gee
Just rockin' and reelin', we'll get that feelin'
We're going bowlin' till half past three
Down in the alley, just you and me
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane
Janie, Janie, Janie, Janie, Jane Jane

Relevant Tags:
DDown IIn TThe AAlley own n he lley oDwn nI hTe lAley xown jn fhe zlley xDown jIn fThe zAlley Dxown Ijn Tfhe Azlley
eown 9n 5he qlley eDown 9In 5The qAlley Deown I9n T5he Aqlley fown ln hhe slley fDown lIn hThe sAlley Dfown Iln Thhe Aslley
rown on yhe wlley rDown oIn yThe wAlley Drown Ion Tyhe Awlley cown kn 6he xlley cDown kIn 6The xAlley Dcown Ikn T6he Axlley
sown 8n ghe Allley sDown 8In gThe Aley Dsown I8n Tghe Alley Doown un rhe Akley Dwn uIn rThe Aklley Dwon Iun Trhe Alkley
Dkwn Inn Aoley Dkown I Te Aolley Dokwn In Teh Aloley D9wn Im Tje Apley D9own Imn Tjhe Aplley Do9wn Inm Thje Alpley
D0wn Ih Tue D0own Ihn Tuhe Do0wn Inh Thue Alely Dlwn Ij Tne Alkey Dlown Tnhe Dolwn Inj Thne Allkey
Diwn Ib Tbe Aloey Diown Ibn Tbhe Doiwn Inb Thbe Alloey Dowwn Tge Alpey Don Donw Thge Allpey

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