Elvis Presley
Flaming Star

Ev'ry man, has a flaming star
A flaming star, over his shoulder
And when a man, sees his flaming star
He knows his time, his time has come

Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Flaming star

When I ride, I feel that flaming star
That flaming star, over my shoulder
And so I ride, in front of that flaming star
Never lookin' around, never lookin' around

Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Flaming star

One fine day, I'll see that flaming star
That flaming star, over my shoulder
And when I see, that old flaming star
I'll know my time, my time has come

Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Flaming star

Mirror lyrics:

Flaming star
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star

I'll know my time, my time has come
And when I see, that old flaming star
That flaming star, over my shoulder
One fine day, I'll see that flaming star

Flaming star
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star

Never lookin' around, never lookin' around
And so I ride, in front of that flaming star
That flaming star, over my shoulder
When I ride, I feel that flaming star

Flaming star
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star

He knows his time, his time has come
And when a man, sees his flaming star
A flaming star, over his shoulder
Ev'ry man, has a flaming star

Relevant Tags:
FFlaming SStar laming tar lFaming tSar claming ztar cFlaming zStar Fclaming Sztar rlaming wtar rFlaming wStar Frlaming Swtar
glaming dtar gFlaming dStar Fglaming Sdtar tlaming etar tFlaming eStar Ftlaming Setar vlaming xtar vFlaming xStar Fvlaming Sxtar
dlaming atar dFlaming aStar Fdlaming Satar Fllaming Sttar Faming Sar Falming Satr Fkaming Sfar Fklaming Sftar Flkaming Stfar
Foaming S5ar Folaming S5tar Floaming St5ar Fpaming Shar Fplaming Shtar Flpaming Sthar Flaaming Syar Flming Sytar Flmaing Styar
Flzming S6ar Flzaming S6tar Flazming St6ar Flqming Sgar Flqaming Sgtar Flaqming Stgar Flsming Srar Flsaming Srtar Flasming Strar
Flwming Staar Flwaming Str Flawming Stra Flxming Stzr Flxaming Stzar Flaxming Stazr Flamming Stqr Flaing Stqar Flaimng Staqr
Flajing Stsr Flajming Stsar Flamjing Stasr Flaking Stwr Flakming Stwar

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