Elvis Presley
Doin' The Best I Can

I gave my heart
I gave my love
Oh ho, my darling
I am true
Doin' the best
The best I can
But it's not good enough for you

I tried so hard
So hard to please
Oh ho, my darling
What more can I do
Doin' the best
The best I can
But it's not good enough for you

You know I was the kind who'd run
Any time you'd call
I guess I was the only one
Who didn't mind at all
I'll be a dreamer
I'll be a fool
Oh ho, my darling
My whole life through
Doin' the best
The best I can
But it's not good enough for you

You know I was the kind who'd run
Any time you'd call
I guess I was the only one
Who didn't mind at all
I'll be a dreamer
I'll be a fool
Oh ho, my darling
My whole life through
Doin' the best
The best I can
But it's not good enough for you
But it's not good enough for you

Mirror lyrics:

But it's not good enough for you
But it's not good enough for you
The best I can
Doin' the best
My whole life through
Oh ho, my darling
I'll be a fool
I'll be a dreamer
Who didn't mind at all
I guess I was the only one
Any time you'd call
You know I was the kind who'd run

But it's not good enough for you
The best I can
Doin' the best
My whole life through
Oh ho, my darling
I'll be a fool
I'll be a dreamer
Who didn't mind at all
I guess I was the only one
Any time you'd call
You know I was the kind who'd run

But it's not good enough for you
The best I can
Doin' the best
What more can I do
Oh ho, my darling
So hard to please
I tried so hard

But it's not good enough for you
The best I can
Doin' the best
I am true
Oh ho, my darling
I gave my love
I gave my heart

Relevant Tags:
DDoin' TThe BBest II CCan oin' he est an oDin' hTe eBst I aCn xoin' fhe vest j fan xDoin' fThe vBest jI fCan Dxoin' Tfhe Bvest Ij Cfan
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roin' yhe hest o dan rDoin' yThe hBest oI dCan Droin' Tyhe Bhest Io Cdan coin' 6he Beest k Caan cDoin' 6The Bst kI Cn Dcoin' T6he Bset Ik Cna
soin' ghe Bsst 8 Czn sDoin' gThe Bsest 8I Czan Dsoin' Tghe Besst I8 Cazn Dooin' rhe B3st u Cqn Din' rThe B3est uI Cqan Dion' Trhe Be3st Iu Caqn
Dkin' Bfst Csn Dkoin' Te Bfest Csan Dokin' Teh Befst Casn D9in' Tje Brst Cwn D9oin' Tjhe Brest Cwan Do9in' Thje Berst Cawn
D0in' Tue B4st Cxn D0oin' Tuhe B4est Do0in' Thue Be4st Caxn Dlin' Tne Bdst Cann Dloin' Tnhe Bdest Ca Dolin' Thne Bedst Can
Diin' Tbe Bwst Cam Dioin' Tbhe Bwest Camn Doiin' Thbe Bewst Canm Tge Cah

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